Dear Reader,
the challenges that the future of publishing poses to us are arduous, long and demanding: this is especially so in a small sector such as ours, that of art publishing, which relies on the passion of so many readers who make up a heterogeneous niche, animated, passionate, strong, eager to know, eager to discuss, animated by the desire to inform themselves well and safely, from reliable sources. Readers who, therefore, deserve information that is up to par, quality information, independent information, which is the information that Finestre Sull’Arte has always wanted to provide to its audience.
Our magazine, which began as a popular website in 2009 and was transformed into a newspaper with a traditional slant in 2017, was then joined last year by a print version. On both the online and the print versions, you will constantly find articles by prestigious signatures or experts in the field, and articles by young art historians, critics, and journalists, whom we intend to enhance, and whom we remunerate with fees that follow market rates.
All this activity has a cost: publishing is never free, even when readers are offered content that does not involve paying a fee. Currently, Finestre Sull’Arte has no recourse to government subsidies for publishing, but sustains itself solely on its own strength, through the sale of advertising bannersî and our editorial products. As of today, we are expanding the latter offer by introducing an online magazine subscription that will provide access to all articles published in our magazine. The cost, in our view, is symbolic: twelve euros a year or, if you prefer, one euro a month.
An amount that, although modest, offers at least two important guarantees. The first, for us fundamental: it guarantees our independence. For us this is the basic value, the one from which everything must start. The second, it guarantees our magazine to expand its content offerings, with more articles and a wider audience of signatures able to bring you qualified opinions and artistic popularization of the highest quality.
However, we are also firm on one point: information is an inalienable right. That is why we have devised an innovative formula, to guarantee everyone the freedom to know everything that happens in the art world, and that we tell day by day with our work: the formula provides that the articles published throughout the day can be read by everyone free of charge and without limitations of any kind. In addition to these, there are three archival articles that can be read, also free of charge and without barriers, over the course of a month.
With this expansion of our editorial offerings, we are confident that we will be able to guarantee you an increasingly independent and increasingly quality Finestre Sull’Arte, with the knowledge that we are rendering to you a useful and interesting service that can come to you through a free voice that seeks to bring you the world of art and culture every day in a clear, ethical, precise, attentive, scrupulous and reliable manner.
The editor in chief
Federico Giannini
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