Facebook Art Week returns

Following the success of the 2012 edition, Facebook Art Week returns for this year as well

After the great success of the 2012 edition, our initiative The Art Week on Facebook is back again this year, with an unchanged goal from last year: to fill the most popular social network of the network with works of art for a week!

Participating in the initiative is very simple: from December 1 to 7, all you have to do is insert as your Facebook profile picture (or page picture if you own a page) an image of a work of art that represents you. And also this year it will also be possible to use the hashtag #settimanadellartefb to tag all your images!

At a time when so much is said about culture and art but little is done to protect them, at a time when attention to artists and museums is steadily growing, let’s kick off this initiative to make as many people as possible aware of the beauty andusefulness of art!

So don’t miss the second edition of Facebook Art Week!

Link to the official Facebook event

Link to theFinestre Sull’Arte Facebook page promoting the initiative

The official poster of the initiative:

Settimana dell'Arte su Facebook - II edizione

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