Appeal to Minister Bray: NO to renting out our cultural property. Sign it too!

We are appealing to Minister Bray to say NO to renting out our cultural heritage, sign the appeal too!

The Simplification Bill approved by the Council of Ministers last June 19, as all art enthusiasts know, contains a measure that envisages the possibility of state-owned cultural assets being taken out of Italy to be granted to foreign countries upon payment of a financial consideration and for a renewable ten-year term (thus for a maximum of twenty years).

We at Finestre Sull’Arte have always declared ourselves deeply opposed to this measure, both by talking about it in an article we put out here on our website, on social networks, and live with all those we have had the opportunity to meet and talk about the issue.

Therefore, we thought of launching an appeal to Minister Bray to ask for the deletion of this measure in the next venues of thelegislative process.

We therefore ask all those who would like to sign the appeal, already signed by several art historians, to click on this link, where you will find the text of the appeal and the form to sign it.

Many thanks to all who would like to participate!

Useful links

Text of the appeal: Click here
Form to sign the appeal: Click here
Facebook post: Click here

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