Vittoriale, large collection of D'Annunzio documents acquired: it is the most important in its history

The Vittoriale degli Italiani acquires the Paglieri Collection, a vast collection of D'Annunzio documents: it is the largest acquisition of documents in the Vittoriale's history. Here is what it contains. The presentation on June 29.

Important acquisition for the Vittoriale degli Italiani: Gabriele D’Annunzio ’s home in Gardone Riviera in fact comes into possession of the Paglieri Collection. It consists of thousands of documents, manuscripts, drafts of works, correspondence, autographs, notes, postcards, many unpublished materials, from the largest private D’Annunzio collection in Italy. It is the most significant acquisition of D’Annunzian documents ever made in the history of the Vittoriale, and will be presented on June 29, 2024 by the president of the Vittoriale, Giordano Bruno Guerri, as part of the event See, see: these are the papers I wanted to show you.

Debora Paglieri will also be present to tell the story of the D’Annunzian collection and its importance: the first nucleus of the Paglieri collection was born even before the last world war, in the 1930s with the Poet still alive, thanks to Alexandrian entrepreneur Lodovico Paglieri - born in 1902, prosecutor of the well-known perfume dynasty - who had read and appreciated D’Annunzian works since his youth. Ѐ in this cultural climate that his son Mario, born in 1934, grew up inheriting from his father Lodovico a passion for the figure and work of Gabriele d’Annunzio.

In the library of the large apartment in which he lives with his parents, at the age of 12 Mario Paglieri discovers The Triumph of Death; the novel will determine the interest that will accompany the Alexandrian collector throughout his life and that will lead him to collect the enormous patrimony that has become the Paglieri D’Annunzio collection, with the awareness and satisfaction of having been able to pass on to the next generation a profound passion that will not end with him. In fact, his daughter Debora continues to look after the precious collection, to take care of it with the conviction, matured and shared over the years, that such a precious asset cannot remain “closed” within the walls of a private palace.

1,800 specimens of special, unique, populareditions, either in a monographic volume or published in installments in magazines and newspapers, in Italian or translated into other languages, bearing autograph dedications or cards or having a special editorial value; messages, orations, letters, published in autograph facsimile print, in their different editions; an important collection of complete musical scores and sheet music, all composed for D’Annunzio’s works; 1 . 000 letters from d’Annunzio to various correspondents-including unpublished letters to the Gardone Riviera pharmacist Mario Ferrari, renamed “Pharmacopola” (i.e., “seller of medicines”) by the Vate; and 200 letters from various correspondents to d’Annunzio or correspondences between the Poet’s friends and collaborators; several manuscripts, including works, compositions and messages; envelopes, scattered papers, notes, expense notes, tickets, personal and family documents-a multitude of documents that will piece together the picture of D’Annunzio’s intricate biography; more than 100 messages and posters from Rijeka, the flyers of the flight over Vienna, theater posters and advertisements; of extraordinary importance for the reconstruction of the affairs of the Vittoriale Factory, the folders that hold diaries, ledgers and invoice payments, certainly from the office of the architect Gian Carlo Maroni; and finally, loose albums and photographic prints totaling hundreds of images.

The collection will be housed in a room open to scholars and named after Mario Paglieri, inside the Gian Carlo Maroni Holy Factory Museum at the Vittoriale.

“With this acquisition,” comments Giordano Bruno Guerri, “we bring to the Vittoriale the largest D’Annunzio collection existing outside our archives. It was a great economic investment, but above all an operation of great cultural value, which will allow us to discover still unpublished nuances about d’Annunzio, his personal and professional relationships and the construction of the Vittoriale. Moreover, by acting as a go-between for the Abruzzo Region in the acquisition of the modern library of the Paglieri Fund, finally Pescara will be able to have a library dedicated to the figure of the Vate and become a second important point of reference for D’Annunzio scholars and historians.”

Vittoriale, large collection of D'Annunzio documents acquired: it is the most important in its history
Vittoriale, large collection of D'Annunzio documents acquired: it is the most important in its history

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