Villae opens literary park Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignatius of Loyola

The Villa Adriana and Villa d'Este Institute - VILLAE presents the project Literary Park Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignatius of Loyola, promoted by VILLAE in collaboration with Paesaggio Culturale Italiano S.r.l.

The Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Institute - VILLAE presents the Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignazio di Loyola Literary Park - Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Institute, promoted by the VILLAE in collaboration with Paesaggio Culturale Italiano S.r.l.

With the Literary Park Yourcenar, Ariosto, Loyola - Villa Adriana Institute and Villa d’Este, the VILLAE intend to safeguard and enhance places of inspiration, election or memory of fundamental authors of the cultural, artistic, literary and scientific history of the territory. This heritage is of great importance for introducing and implementing various cultural and territorial enhancement activities. The Literary Parks, in fact, landscape-cultural garrisons in places of life and inspiration of writers and poets, are established in various places in Italy by Paesaggio Culturale Italiano S.r.l., with the aim of creating cultural projects related to the enhancement of sites and environments referring to national and international literary heritage.

“Understanding how powerful the literary work is in bringing the reader of any age closer to a place that is a source of inspiration,” commented President of I Parchi Letterari Stanislao Mattia de Marsanich, “is surely the first step in offering the same reader a conscious participation in terms of emotions and involvement of the soul. The opening of the Literary Park dedicated to Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto and Ignatius of Loyola, thanks to the Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Institute and the intuition of the director Andrea Bruciati, represents for the Network of Literary Parks a project that binds three immortal names indissolubly united in an extraordinary Heritage of Humanity that crosses the separation between nature and culture. An original method of contextualizing and interpreting the environment in a balanced combination of landscape and cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible.”

“Our extraordinary cultural palimpsests are devoted to the transmission of an always diverse narrative. In this context of multifocal stratification of the three sites,” said Villa Adriana and Villa d’Este Institute - VILLAE Director Andrea Bruciati, “this additional horizon of approach is grafted in, enlivening and making ever more relevant our unique portfolio of beauty. Storytelling, in whatever form it is carried out, is at the basis of the knowledge and emotional adhesion that connotes these places, environments, ecosystems, not by chance heritage of humanity.”

Villae opens literary park Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignatius of Loyola
Villae opens literary park Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignatius of Loyola

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