UmbriaBOX is born, a site to enter Umbria's museums and discover their masterpieces

UmbriaBOX project launched: a site to discover museums in twelve Umbrian villages through 360-degree virtual tours, popular videos and educational content. Continuously being updated.

A site has been created to enter the museums of twelve Umbrian villages and discover their masterpieces through 360° virtual tours, popular videos and educational content: it is called UmbriaBOX and is a project promoted by the municipalities that adhere to the Terre e Musei dell’Umbria network, which includes the cities of Amelia, Bettona, Bevagna, Cannara, Cascia, Deruta, Marsciano, Montefalco and Umbertide, and the municipalities of Trevi, Montone and Spello. The project, carried out with the contribution of the Umbria Region, was overseen by the Sistema Museo ne cooperative company, which handled the planning, coordination, implementation and communication. The site is already online, accessible at

With UmbriaBOX it is possible to virtually enter inside picture galleries and museum structures, get information and discover curiosities and secrets related to the masterpieces preserved there, learn about the history of the twelve villages along with their artistic heritage. From mosaics and statues from the Roman era to the marvelous sculptural groups of the medieval age, from the works of artists such as Benozzo Gozzoli, Perugino, Luca Signorelli, and Corrado Giaquinto to the ceramic creations made by hand over the centuries: all can be visited through the screen of the phone, tablet or computer, with videos and very high-resolution images, allowing the user to virtually “walk” through the halls of the museums. Not only that: the site also includes a section, UmbriaDocumenta, dedicated to museum education for adults and children. Through video tutorials made inside Umbrian museums, the user can in fact discover the secrets of the most important artistic techniques, such as tempera, fresco or mosaic, and follow the instructions of the operators to make their own works at home.

The idea behind the project is to make known to a vast and widespread audience in every part of the world these twelve villages of Umbria that hide great artistic treasures. A tool for territorial promotion with wide possibilities, in short. In addition, the portal will be enriched in the coming weeks with new tourism-related videos and an English version of all content.

The project was illustrated during a virtual press conference in the presence of Antonella Pinna, director of the cultural resources, museums, archives and libraries valorization service of the Umbria Region, which contributed to the realization of the project, the mayor of Spello Moreno Landrini, lead municipality of the UmbriaBOX project, the mayor of Deruta Michele Toniaccini, lead municipality of the Terre e Musei dell’Umbria, mayors and administrators of the other municipalities participating in the project and Simona Menci, vice president of the Sistema Museo cooperative society. Speakers included: Bernardino Sperandio and Dalila Stemperini, mayor and deputy mayor of Trevi; Sara Pierucci, alderman for culture of Umbertide; Federica Proietti, alderman for culture of Amelia; Rita Galardini, deputy mayor of Bevagna; Mario De Carolis, mayor of Cascia; Fabrizio Gareggia, mayor of Cannara; Roberta Rosini, deputy mayor of Montone; Andrea Pilati, deputy mayor of Marsciano; and Daniela Settimi, deputy mayor of Montefalco. Irene Falcinelli, alderman for culture of the municipality of Spello, reiterated the importance of synergy among entities, to enhance the historical and artistic heritage of Umbria’s villages, and of the UmbriaBOX project, also with a view to the recovery of tourism in attendance. For the mayor of Spello Moreno Landrini, such a project is essential for the promotion of an area so rich in treasures and human qualities to be placed at the service of visitors. Michele Toniaccini, mayor of Deruta, added that the cooperation and collaboration at the basis of the UMBRIABOX project shows how it is possible to promote the Umbria brand online by highlighting the specificities of each. Speaking for the Region of Umbria was Antonella Pinna, who recalled the institution’s strong support in the cultural field, affirming the importance of networking and using all the necessary tools to enhance the regional heritage, including at the virtual and communication level. Achille Roselletti Junior, project manager for Sistema Museo, added that the portal was designed to be a tool to be continuously implemented and updated with the addition of new content of the highest quality, so as to offer a useful and engaging tool for the user while shedding light on the extraordinary heritage of the twelve villages that have joined.

Pictured: the Pinacoteca di Amelia

UmbriaBOX is born, a site to enter Umbria's museums and discover their masterpieces
UmbriaBOX is born, a site to enter Umbria's museums and discover their masterpieces

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