Uffizi, virtual children's rooms return, looking forward to spring

Virtual rooms for children resume at the Uffizi Galleries from the weekend. The educational format narrates two works from the collections linked to a common theme.

Virtual rooms for children are back at the Uffizi Galleries. Following the success of Uffizi under the Tree, featuring Christmas-themed storytelling of masterpieces, the second installment of the educational web format will kick off as early as the weekend: Waiting for Spring. A Tour of the Uffizi Galleries.

Within virtual rooms accessible to families and children (up to a maximum of ten) two works linked by a common thread will be narrated by an expert from the Education Department. The narrative, lasting 30-40 minutes will feature different paintings, subjects and themes.

The initiative will begin with two themes: love (on the occasion of Valentine’s Day) andCarnival.

Everyone will be able to listen and interact with the expert storyteller, and it will also be possible to call distant friends and relatives and participate together in the meetings. The conversations will be able to be in English, French, Spanish and Lis in addition to Italian.

There is a total cost of 40 euros to access the interactive visit, covering educational assistance; you can participate by making a reservation by writing to ga-uff.scuolagiovani@beniculturali.it. Reservations for each weekend will be accepted only if also completed in payment by noon on the corresponding Friday.

All info at https://www.uffizi.it/visite-speciali/aspettando-primavera

Uffizi, virtual children's rooms return, looking forward to spring
Uffizi, virtual children's rooms return, looking forward to spring

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