Turin's GAM closes to public one month for refurbishment

In Turin, the GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (Civic Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art) closes to the public for a month, from Sept. 9 to Oct. 14, to refurbish exhibition spaces and upgrade reception areas.

Turin’s GAM will close to the public from Sept. 9 to Oct. 14, 2024 to allow for the redevelopment of the reception spaces, particularly the foyer, which will be renovated following the idea of openness and airiness that characterized the original spirit of the museum. In the meantime, work has already begun in early summer, with the museum open, to refurbish the exhibition spaces of the collections on the first and second floors, in preparation for the grand opening of the First Resonance, scheduled for October 15.

The last day to visit the exhibition Italo Cremona. Everything Else is Deep Night will be Sunday, September 8, closing one week earlier than originally announced. Until Sept. 1, visitors will have free access to the exhibitions Jacopo Benassi. Criminal Self-Portrait and SilenzioSuono - SoundSilence, while the exhibition Expanded. Landscapes of Art will remain accessible at the usual rate.

During the closure of the museum, the services to the public of the Art Library and the Photographic Archive will remain unchanged and will be guaranteed with the usual arrangements.

Turin's GAM closes to public one month for refurbishment
Turin's GAM closes to public one month for refurbishment

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