Turin Museums are online with virtual exhibitions, playlists, guided tours via video

The initiatives of the Turin Museums Foundation joining the #iorestoacasa campaign.

Museums are closed, but the Fondazione Torino Musei continues to work with new digital projects to make works, spaces, collections and exhibitions visitable by joining the #iorestoacasa campaign. Special playlists are available on the Youtube channels of the Gallery of Modern Art (GAM), Palazzo Madama and the Museum of Oriental Art (MAO), with videos made by directors, curators, colleagues and university professors that delve into the collections and temporary exhibitions.

With the #AppuntidalMAO playlist, in the days leading up to the museum’s closure, a number of University of Turin professors fond of MAO were invited to choose and narrate their favorite works from the museum’s collections. Videos are also posted daily on Instagram and Facebook channels, with trivia about the works narrated. Nthe #StoriedaPalazzo playlist features Palazzo Madama’s conservators guiding the public to learn more about works and spaces in the museum located in the heart of the city (videos are also posted daily on the museum’s Instagram and Facebook channels). Finally, in #GAMconTE, a series of clips cover works from the permanent collection, along with themes related to the temporary exhibitions Painting Space Sculpture and Helmut Newton. Works: again, videos are also offered daily on the Instagram and Facebook channels, of GAM.

In addition, the catalog of most of the museums’ works can be viewed online. It is also possible to search for favorite artists and works in the collections of Palazzo Madama, GAM and MAO. Then there are the virtual tours: thanks to the Google Arts & Culture project, which the Foundation museums have joined, there are many virtual exhibitions online that lead to the discovery of our collections from unusual and curious points of view. More info can be found on the Fondazione Torino Musei website.

Pictured: Palazzo Madama

Turin Museums are online with virtual exhibitions, playlists, guided tours via video
Turin Museums are online with virtual exhibitions, playlists, guided tours via video

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