The Uffizi can now partly be visited from home thanks to the virtual tour

The Uffizi Gallery today launched the virtual tour that will allow a virtual visit to the museum without moving from home. Ten rooms have been digitized for this first virtual tour, which can be seen in detail thanks to high-definition images. The suggested itinerary of the virtual tour begins in the Hall of the Dynasties, with portraits of the most prominent members of the two families (the Medici of Florence and the Della Rovere of Urbino) who contributed to the formation of the Uffizi collections in the 16th century. Thus we enter a room where we find some of Bronzino’s most famous works, such as the celebrated Eleonora da Toledo, as well as the portrait of Duke Alessandro de’ Medici painted by Giorgio Vasari, portraits of Cosimo il Vecchio and Cosimo I de’ Medici by Pontormo, and those of Eleonora Gonzaga and her husband Francesco Maria I della Rovere by Titian.

The tour continues in the green rooms of sixteenth-century Venetian painting, which house masterpieces such as Titian’s Venus of Urbino and Flora, both by Titian, Tintoretto’s Leda and the Swan, Sebastiano del Piombo’s Fornarina, the portrait of Giuseppe da Porto with his son Adrian, and Veronese’s Venus and Mercury.

Thanks to state-of-the-art technology in the creation of virtual tours, the museum’s rooms, meticulously reproduced in every detail with all their works (there are 55 in all) can be viewed from above, in the form of a visualization known as a “doll house” (“dollhouse”), or by immersing oneself in them and virtually walking inside, stopping in front of the paintings, just as one would do in the museum. Each painting can be observed up close and, by clicking on the corresponding caption, all essential information about the work appears, in Italian or English; for major masterpieces, a link to the work’s detailed file on the Uffizi website is also included. Finally, in the room that houses Bernardino Licinio’s La Nuda, it is also possible to look out the window and admire a view of downtown Florence and the Arno on a beautiful sunny day, all meticulously digitized. The virtual tour (available on the Uffizi website) was created and produced by Le Gallerie degli Uffizi with the collaboration of Opera Laboratori Fiorentini, Gestione Multiservizi and Review.

“The Uffizi Galleries’ offer of virtual content today expands with a new technological jewel,” explains Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt: “the innovative system with which this virtual tour of ours was created, designed to enhance the treasures of the new halls inaugurated just last year, in fact allows a total and realistic immersion in the museum environment. In this case, the experience is not only a form of escapism or curiosity, but also tools, information and data are provided for a path to deeper and broader knowledge. Moreover, a huge advantage is given by the contextualization of the works in their space, a tool that can also serve the purposes of historical and museological research.”

The Uffizi can now partly be visited from home thanks to the virtual tour
The Uffizi can now partly be visited from home thanks to the virtual tour

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