The National Gallery of the Marches gets a makeover and announces new exhibitions

In the run-up to Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024, the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche continues its redevelopment of the Ducal Palace and announces new exhibitions.

In view of Pesaro Italian Capital of Culture 2024, the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche in Urbino has launched, thanks to funds from the PNRR and beyond, a process of major redevelopment of the Ducal Palace that began in 2022. The redevelopment project continues with interventions on the piano nobile without neglecting the cultural program.

“Alongside the major structural work on the Ducal Palace, the refurbishment of the permanent collection, the upgrading of the storerooms, and the work to raise awareness of the works contained therein,” said Marche National Gallery director Luigi Gallo. “We are carrying out a wide-ranging project to enhance Marche art, following in this the mission of the National Gallery, because our cultural history has solid roots in the territory. The program of exhibitions being prepared for the coming years aims to offer the public a new reading of the great season between the Renaissance and Baroque periods by focusing on art in the region that was a true crossroads of creation between painting, architecture, sculpture and applied arts.”

On October 5, 2023 through May 5, 2024, the exhibition The Other Collection. Stories and Works from the Deposits of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, the aim of which is to present a selection of works from the deposits of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche and which, for the occasion, have been the subject of new studies and extraordinary maintenance and restoration. The exhibition also aims to highlight objects and works of art rarely seen in permanent exhibitions.

Thanks to the collaboration with theIstituto Superiore per la Conservazione e il Restauro (ISCR), study and conservation restoration work has then been undertaken on the panels of the Art of War Frieze, which will be relocated by the end of the year: they will return to decorate the Soprallogge on the piano nobile, where they were already located in the 18th century, after having been removed from their original location, on the dossal of the seat of the palace facade.

Also scheduled for 2024 is the completion of the re-functionalization and redevelopment of the piano nobile, with the reopening of theAppartamento della Jole, and in June the exhibition Federico Barocci. Urbino, 1535-1612, curated by Luigi Gallo and Anna Maria Ambrosini Massari. The exhibition will remain on view until October 2024 and will bring together eighty works from major Italian and foreign museums.

For 2025 the director of the Galleria Nazionale delle Marche, Luigi Gallo, has begun work on another exhibition on a great protagonist of Marche art, Simone Cantarini, while for the following year they are reflecting For 2026 they are reflecting on the creation of a wide-ranging territorial cultural event focused on the Della Rovere Dynasty.

The National Gallery of the Marches gets a makeover and announces new exhibitions
The National Gallery of the Marches gets a makeover and announces new exhibitions

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