The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna reopens on May 30. And the cost of admission is decided by visitors

Contrary to its announcement in early April, when it projected a reopening for July 1, the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna made it known a few minutes ago that the restart will take place much earlier than expected, and the institution will therefore open its doors to the public on May 30. “Thanks to the encouraging predictions on the containment of the coronavirus,” the KHM wrote in a note, “we can reopen the Kunsthistorisches Museum for all visitors from Saturday, May 30, 2020.”

But that’s not all: there will be no regular tickets until June 30. “You have had to do without the museum for a long time,” the note further reads, "so we have come up with something special for you for the first weeks of the reopening: from May 30 to the end of June 2020, there will be no regular admission fees. Instead, we invite you to simply pay according to the motto pay as you wish. We will of course welcome any support you want to give to the museum, because we want to enable everyone, regardless of their current financial situation, to visit the museum." Visitors will therefore choose how much they pay for their admission to the Viennese museum.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum is also taking the opportunity to launch its initiatives for Mother’s Day, which will be celebrated on May 10: the invitation is to honor one’s mother or grandmother with a donation as part of the museum’s artwork adoption project (an offering can be used to pay for the upkeep of an artwork), or with an item to be purchased in the museum’s shop, which has opened a special section on Mother’s Day.

Finally, the museum is launching its initiative for #GivingTuesdayNOW, a global day of togetherness that will take place on May 5, 2020 as a response to the Covid-19 emergency: the Kunsthistorisches Museum’s invitation is to support the museum with a donation (through a special page) to help the institution cope with the crisis.

The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna reopens on May 30. And the cost of admission is decided by visitors
The Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna reopens on May 30. And the cost of admission is decided by visitors

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