Shoah Museum will be born in Rome: law passed

The House, shortly after 12 noon, finally and unanimously (283 votes in favor, none against) approved the law establishing the Shoah Museum in Rome. It will be located at the Villa Torlonia.

The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved (283 votes in favor and no votes against) the bill sanctioning the creation of the Shoah Museum in Rome: the measure, which had already been approved by the Senate, thus becomes law. To realize the museum, the bill (which consists of a single article) provides 4 million euros for 2023, 3 million for 2024, 3.05 for 2025, and 50 thousand euros per year starting in 2026. The Shoah Museum will be built at Villa Torlonia, behind the Casina delle Civette, and will be managed by the Shoah Museum Foundation.

“I thank the deputies for unanimously approving the bill establishing in Rome the Museum of the Shoah, which is already present in other major European capitals,” said Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano. “Many had thought and hypothesized it but, compared to the past, this time the announcements were followed by facts. In the hours when we remember the horror of the rounding up of the Jews of the Ghetto of Rome, the Museum is finally the law of the State.”

“The maximum sharing by the two branches of Parliament is a sign that cultivating the memory of the atrocities of the Holocaust represents a shared value of our nation,” the minister added. “The Museum will be a fundamentally important place to pass on to future generations the testimonies of the barbarities experienced by those innocents who were torn from their lives. It is our duty to make sure that the evil of the Nazi-Fascist criminal design and the shame of the racial laws do not end in oblivion. All this is even more important today, in these anguish-filled days in which we witness the massacres carried out in Israel by Hamas.”

The news of the approval of the construction of the Holocaust Museum was welcomed with bipartisan support from across the constitutional spectrum. “Finally after so much rhetoric and so much bureaucracy,” Federico Mollicone (Fratelli d’Italia), chairman of the Culture Commission, told AgCult, “the Shoah Museum becomes a real and concrete fact thanks to the cross-party commitment of the entire Parliament. My thanks go to all the political forces also for the very heartfelt debate that took place in the House.” “The Shoah Museum,” said Paolo Formentini (Lega), “will become a point of reference so that the horrors of the Holocaust are not forgotten. A step that is now more necessary than ever in light of what happened last Oct. 7 in Israel.”

For Luca Zingaretti (Pd), “It is of great importance that Parliament say united yes to a law to establish the Shoah museum” in Rome, and to the victims “we can say 80 years later ’we have not forgotten you and we are committed so that you will never be forgotten.’”

According to Gaetano Amato (5-Star Movement), “It is right, necessary and fundamental that there are places with testimonies that do not make us forget about the tragedies of the past, and that can contribute so that they are not repeated in the future. The Holocaust museum is one of those places, a place that must exist, that must remain there, through the centuries, to remind us of how ruthless and evil human beings have been, cruel and vicious toward their fellow human beings. The future comes to us from the past, and the past is there, to show us what roads not to take. Never again. And that is why, on behalf of the 5 Star Movement will vote a firm yes to the establishment of the Shoah Museum in the city of Rome.” “We have a duty not to forget, but as institutions we also have a duty to defend the truth of what was in order to eradicate anti-Semitism and all racism,” stressed Elisabetta Piccolotti (Green and Left Alliance).

Shoah Museum will be born in Rome: law passed
Shoah Museum will be born in Rome: law passed

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