Rome's Gallery of Modern Art opens its archives to the public

In Rome, the Archives of the Gallery of Modern Art opens to the public and scholars: the opening comes following a period of study and inventorying of the archival and bibliographic holdings and historical volumes and catalogs in the Gallery of Modern Art, and is scheduled to begin Dec. 11, 2023.

In Rome , theArchives of the Gallery of Modern Art opens to the public and scholars: the opening comes following a period of study and inventorying of the archival and bibliographic fonds and the historical volumes and catalogs present in the Gallery of Modern Art, and is scheduled to begin on December 11, 2023, at the initiative of Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali.

The opening is part of the cycle of initiatives linked to the Centenary of the establishment of the Gallery of Modern Art of Rome (1925-2025), identified in the 100GAM formula, to be considered as an anticipation of the program of scientific, conservation and exhibition events linked to the Centenary itself, and which starts precisely from the reappropriation of the archival and documentary heritage present in the current museum’s premises at 24 Via Francesco Crispi.

Closely linked to the collection of the Gallery of Modern Art, the Archives boasts a collection of more than 1,600 volumes dating from the 1880s to the mid-20th century. The corpus consists mainly of monographs of the artists belonging to the Gallery’s collection and publications relating to works in the historical collection, including catalogs of the Roman exhibitions where, in the first half of the last century, major acquisitions were made. Then again, catalogs of exhibitions held at GAM as well as a peculiar section of historical volumes concerning the Quadriennale Nazionale d’Arte in Rome and both the Roman and Venetian Biennales.

Within the Archives there is also an Artists’ Fund, accessible to the public for the first time, within which one can consult hundreds of valuable biographical and exhibition information on individual artists, as well as minor material consisting of exhibition brochures and newspaper articles. Also contained in this Fund is theMimì Quilici Buzzacchi Archive, which in turn consists of files, divided by exhibition years (1937,1939 and from 1946 to 1987), brochures, newspaper articles and magazines relating to exhibitions in which the artist participated directly. This is the first nucleus of the constituting Woman and Artist Archive that will include all the women artists in the GAM collection in addition to those already in the aforementioned “Artists Fund.”

In the near future it will also be possible to consult a Purchase Archive, currently being inventoried, consisting of more than 250 original or historical copy Deliberations produced by the Governorate of Rome and the Capitoline Council, from 1921 to 2002, for the purpose of acquisitions of works in the GAM collection. The Resolutions report the occasion of the acquisition, data on the artist, the work, the type and the economic definition of acquisition. Valuable information to understand the history of the artwork in the GAM collection but also the selective relationship of tastes and aesthetic choices of the public administration in the different historical contexts crossed.

As a whole, the GAM Collection Archive wants to present itself as a scientific and cultural hub, an aggregator in which all those realities interested in telling the story of art in Rome from a national perspective will be able to contribute to expand, and therefore preserve, the corpus of documents, volumes and information present within it. Future collaborations with Universities, Academies and other scholarly bodies, both local and national, will make it possible to bring together, preserve, enhance and protect books, graphic documents and archives relating to art from part of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century in Rome.

Consultation of the materials is possible by appointment only, with prior request to be sent to: Free admission to the area provided for consultation, where an autonomous workstation with computers and wi-fi connection has been specially created.

Image: the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. Photo: Francesco Bini

Rome's Gallery of Modern Art opens its archives to the public
Rome's Gallery of Modern Art opens its archives to the public

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