Restoration of the rissêu of the Royal Palace in Genoa ends

Restoration of the Palazzo Reale's rissêu, the famous black-and-white pebble mosaic, ends in Genoa. It will be inaugurated on Saturday, July 7, 2018.

The restoration of the splendid rissêu of the Palazzo Reale in Genoa has been completed: the term rissêu indicates, in the Genoese language, the floor mosaic of pebbles, black and white, typical of many villages and towns in Liguria (the stones, mostly collected from the sea, and of different sizes, are arranged on the floor in such a way as to form fanciful figures: in Genoese, “rissêu” means precisely “pebble”). Wonderful examples can be found especially on church parvises and in the gardens of noble palaces. The unveiling of the restored rissêu will be held on Saturday, July 7, at 7 pm.

The restoration was led by Gabriele Gelatti, who on Saturday will recount the work of more than 70 days (over four months) needed to complete the intervention. The Royal Palace rissêu comes from the destroyed monastery of the Turchine nuns: it was reconstructed in the garden of the Royal Palace in the 1960s by Armando Porta and is a great masterpiece of its kind. The figures of the Turchine rissêu include everyday presences, such as the miller, the fishing scene, the shepherd, and domestic animals, to mythological figures such as the hippocampus, the phoenix, and the centaur. The restoration served to heal cracks and disruptions as well as to reconstruct some details of the design that were almost completely compromised due to the degradation the work had undergone (thus hundreds of lost stones were put back in place). In addition, the areas most exposed to deterioration were mapped so as to facilitate future interventions.

The inauguration will be introduced by Serena Bertolucci, director of the Royal Palace.For the occasion, admission to the garden will be free, while the Royal Palace museum will be open until 10 p.m. with full tickets at 6 euros and reduced tickets at 3 euros.

Pictured: the rissêu of the Royal Palace.

Restoration of the rissêu of the Royal Palace in Genoa ends
Restoration of the rissêu of the Royal Palace in Genoa ends

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