Pistoia, Palazzo Fabroni unveils new permanent sound art intervention in signature garden

The Museum of the Twentieth Century and Contemporary Art in Pistoia's Palazzo Fabroni in Pistoia will open the permanent sound art intervention "Sound Life" on Sunday, Sept. 8.

On Sunday, Sept. 8, from 5:30 to 7 p.m., thepermanent sound artintervention Sound Life will be inaugurated in the Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo of Palazzo Fabroni in Pistoia, set up under the building’s large loggia overlooking the “author’s garden” as an extension of the museum collection. It is the final realization of the project of the TEMPO REALE Center for Research Production and Music Education in Florence, carried out by the City of Pistoia/Musei Civici and supported by the PAC2022-2023 - Plan for Contemporary Art , promoted by the General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity of the Ministry of Culture.

Thesound installation, whose title is inspired by one of the best-known works of the Italian computer music pioneer Pietro Grossi, is an arbitrary and partial reading of the history of musical research that has characterized the last forty years, through sound fragments taken from works created by Tempo Reale, or whose performance has been hosted by the Center in the past. These are joined by the voices of a number of figures who have actively and significantly intersected the Center’s path. The installation is developed on a sound score that intends to incorporate and juxtapose a plurality of audio materials from the archive of Tempo Reale, returned in a spatial dimension that linearly emphasizes the loggia of Palazzo Fabroni through the diffusion on four original electroacoustic devices. The sound fragments are taken from more than forty works by composers of various backgrounds, from masters of research such as Sylvano Bussotti and Pietro Grossi to even pop artists such as Stefano Bollani, Pierpaolo Capovilla and Sonia Bergamasco, along with groups representative of the new electronic scene; the installation is the brainchild of Center director Francesco Giomi. The sound fragments are taken from works by Yuval Avital, Agnese Banti, Patrizio Barontini, Sonia Bergamasco, Blutwurst, Stefano Bollani, Claudio Josè Boncompagni, Sylvano Bussotti, Lelio Camilleri, Pierpaolo Capovilla, Daniele Carcassi, Francesco Casciaro, Riccardo Castagnola, Luigi Ceccarelli, Daniele Ciullini, Lamberto Coccioli, Gabriele Cosmi, Mirio Cosottini, Gianvincenzo Cresta, Alvin Curran, Luigi De Angelis and Sergio Policicchio, Marco Dibeltulu, Daniela Fantechi, Simone Faraci, Annamaria Federici, Michele Foresi, Bernard Fort, Lucio Garau, Nicola Giannini, Francesco Giomi, Pietro Grossi, Adriano Guarnieri, Mario Guida, Simonluca Laitempergher, Sara Lenzi, Rosaria Lo Russo, Daniele Lombardi, Fabio Lombardo and L’Homme Armé, Giovanni Magaglio, Gabriele Marangoni, Elio Martusciello and Sabina Meyer, Albert Mayr, Salvatore Miele, Minus-Improvisation Collective, Jacopo Mittino, Vittorio Montalti, David Moss, Nada, Betty Olivero, Paolo Pachini, Luca Perciballi, Caterina Poggesi and Umi Carroy, Walter Prati, Alessandro Ratoci, Andrea Sarto, Mattia Loris Siboni, Tempo Reale, Stefano Trevisi, Gianluca Verlingieri and Pier Luigi Berdondini, Zumtrio. Voice fragments are by Massimo Altomare, Luciano Berio, Sylvano Bussotti, Alvin Curran, Pietro Grossi, Daniele Lombardi, Damiano Meacci, Edoardo Sanguineti, Giulia Sarno, Loredana Terminio, and Alvise Vidolin. Francesco Giomi, director of Tempo Reale, is responsible for the i deation of the work; composition to Agnese Banti, Simone Faraci and Giomi himself; coordination to Luisa Santacesaria; technical coordination to Francesco Canavese; and musical informatics to the same Canavese, Giovanni Magaglio and Francesco Vogli. Acoustic partner is Architettura Sonora, while sound materials are taken from the Tempo Reale archive.

The inauguration of SOUND LIFE takes place as part of the third edition of FABRONI SOUND GARDEN, Paesaggi di suono per il giardino d’autore di Palazzo Fabroni, a project specifically conceived for the museum’s outdoor space and also realized by Tempo Reale together with the Municipality of Pistoia/Musei Civici/Museo del Novecento e del Contemporaneo di Palazzo Fabroni, with the support of Fondazione Caript and the Region of Tuscany as part of Toscanaincontemporanea2024.

The third edition of the festival features three performative sound actions to connect with space and the artistic meaning it conveys. Distinctive character of this third edition is the active involvement of citizens both for the construction of a meaningful listening practice and as “musical improvisers” in a participatory art action. The sound actions take place on Sept. 6, 8 and 10, at 7 p.m., in the garden of Palazzo Fabroni and are free admission.

Photo by Serge Domingie

Pistoia, Palazzo Fabroni unveils new permanent sound art intervention in signature garden
Pistoia, Palazzo Fabroni unveils new permanent sound art intervention in signature garden

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