Marche's cultural heritage told in a digital video clip journey

Regione Marche and Fondazione Marche Cultura launch the digital project Extraordinary journey among the museums of Marche.

More than sixty video clips for the Extraordinary Journey among the Museums of Marche project promoted by Regione Marche and Fondazione Marche Cultura in collaboration with ICOM MArche: the goal is to create a never-before-seen narrative of Marche’s cultural heritage through videos of about two minutes each made by more than thirty museums, as well as by municipalities and cultural institutions in the region. The clips can be viewed on the Marche Region’s social channels YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter and on the official blog

“The Marche Region,” declares the regional councillor for Tourism-Culture, Moreno Pieroni, “wants to contribute to limit this loss and contain the sacrifice of each one by proposing an alternative opportunity of ”use“ of the museums and collections of Marche, a use in digital and virtual: that is, the form that remains the only sphere of relational, professional agibility of cultural fruition that we are allowed. From another point of view, the goal is also to ”take advantage“ of this moment to experiment with a new form of museum communication and promotion that will find more and more space in the near future. A way of communicating Culture that will certainly have different connotations from the pre-emergence ones, where technology will have acquired a central place where to date it has been complementary.”

The sixty videos are very diverse and can help provide insights into experiencing culture in a fun and alternative way, such as the Omero State Tactile Museum in Ancona, which has dedicated the story of Valerio Trubbiani’s work Mater Amabilis to children, or the Carriage Museum, located in Macerata’s Palazzo Buonaccorsi, which offers a tutorial to introduce young children to the museum collection.

Scholars, experts and museum managers take visitors on virtual guided tours of museums, such as in the Museum Rooms of Palazzo Bisaccioni in Jesi or the Pinacoteca in Ascoli Piceno or the Civic Museum of Mondolfo.

Semi-serious stories showing curiosities and anecdotes of the preserved works are offered instead by the Pinacoteca di Sarnano in collaboration with Il Circolo di Piazza Alta.

Pictured is Vincenzo Pagani, Saint Lucia and Glory of Angels (1525; Sarnano Art Gallery).

Marche's cultural heritage told in a digital video clip journey
Marche's cultural heritage told in a digital video clip journey

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