Mantua, the "Baby Pitstop" is born at the Ducal Palace.

A UNICEF-branded Baby Pitstop is born at the Ducal Palace in Mantua: a space dedicated to families where mothers can devote themselves to breastfeeding and caring for their babies.

The “Baby Pitstop,” a UNICEF-branded space dedicated to families for breastfeeding and childcare, was born at the Ducal Palace in Mantua : the project was made possible by Soroptimist International club of Mantua and ATS della Val Padana, with the support of the company Manerba SpA. Breastfeeding is a simple and natural gesture that all mothers should be able to do anywhere, and the setting up of the “Baby Pit Stop” is part of the initiatives designed byUNICEF to guarantee the rights enshrined in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child. The project involves setting up equipped areas to accommodate families who want to feed and care for their children when they are away from home. UNICEF Baby Pit Stops can be set up at institutions, entities, public and private businesses that wish to give a sign of attention and welcome to families and their newborns.

Families now have an extra service while visiting the Ducal Palace, with a well-equipped place where they can devote themselves to their babies and toddlers. The “Baby Pit Stop” is located in Corte Vecchia, near the Courtyard of Honor, in an area dedicated to the museum’s services and is easily accessible from the ticket office or at the end of the tour route. The design of the space was supervised by Luisa Lucchini and Renata Casarin (president and incoming president, respectively, Soroptimist International club of Mantua) with the supervision of the technical staff of Palazzo Ducale.

“We are pleased to welcome this beautiful service inside our museum,” says Mantua’s Ducal Palace director Stefano L’Occaso, “giving a sign of sensitivity on the part of the museum toward new mothers and their babies. You are welcome! Visiting the extraordinary monumental halls and art masterpieces of the Ducal Palace is now even easier and more serene. My thanks go to those who made it possible to set up this additional service and to the staff who oversaw the project.”

“The ATS della Val Padana promotes with conviction and determination the development of Baby Pit-Stops in line with the principles supported by UNICEF ITALY’s Together for Breastfeeding Program,” says Program Manager for the ATS della Val Padana Laura Rubagotti, “a project that our Agency has joined in close synergy with the territorial ASSTs, accredited Private Consultatories and Mothers’ Groups. The Baby Pit-Stops, as dedicated spaces, are a concrete tool through which to convey a cultural change to raise awareness of the benefits of breastfeeding and more generally of healthy lifestyles in the birth path in the first days of life. This change requires a proactive role on the part of all actors in the area in support of good practices and the widening of the network of alliances, which in this specific case has met the sensitivity of Palazzo Ducale, a very prestigious institution in Mantua, thanks to the valuable work of Soroptimist International Club of Mantua.”

“UNICEF Italy, in order to promote and protect the right to receive the best care and attention from the very first moment of life, has conceived the Baby Pit Stops project,” says UNICEF Mantua President Cristina Reggiani, “cozy and protected spaces in which families can feed and care for boys and girls. Created to support and encourage breastfeeding, BPSs are open to all newborns and baby girls, regardless of how they are fed and who they are accompanied by. Each new BPS represents a small step toward full compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent, a very important international document ratified by the Italian state 32 years ago, with Law No. 176 of May 27, 1991. UNICEF Italy, therefore, gladly collaborates with institutions, entities and private citizens who wish to support the implementation of Baby Pit Stops. The UNICEF Committee of Mantua congratulates the management of the Ducal Palace for its choice in favor of children’s rights and thanks ATS Val Padana and the Soroptimist International Club of Mantua for collaborating to promote the initiative.”

Mantua, the
Mantua, the "Baby Pitstop" is born at the Ducal Palace.

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