MAMbo in Bologna can be visited from home: with "2 minutes of MAMbo" every day the museum comes to you via social

MAMbo in Bologna launches the '2 minutes of MAMbo' initiative: the museum comes straight to your door!

With the coronavirus emergency forcing museums to close, Bologna’s MAMbo is launching a new initiative to leave art lovers high and dry: 2 Minutes of MAMbo.

Every day from March 10 to April 5, the museum will release 3 p.m. video content lasting a few minutes dedicated to the museum’s works and exhibitions. Four are the areas of the videos: the contemporary art exhibition AGAINandAGAINandAGAINand(here is the news about the exhibition), the MAMbo permanent collection, the Morandi Museum, and the MAMbo Educational Department, a reality of excellence in the field of art mediation and didactics toward differentiated types of audiences that, on this occasion, will measure itself with a new challenge of approach to the works. The clips, recorded with smartphones, will be accompanied by the narrative voices of curators, artists and various experts and correlated with the hashtag #smartMAMbo.

A digital engagement format that will first land on the institution’s official Youtube channel and then be disseminated on various social channels such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

“This project, stimulated by the need to offer new times and ways of enjoying artworks,” says MAMbo director Lorenzo Balbi, “continues in the direction already experimented on the occasion of the exhibition that marked the debut of my artistic direction at MAMbo That’s IT! On the latest generation of artists in Italy and six feet from the border, in which the museum’s Instagram profile constantly updated with materials produced ad hoc by the artists was conceived as a virtual exhibition hall, integrated with the physical space.”

With this easy-to-produce and easy-to-use initiative, MAMbo intends to transfer its mission of disseminating contemporary culture to the digital dimension, accepting the invitation of the Board of Directors of the Bologna Musei Institution and the appeal addressed to cultural operators by the Minister for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism Dario Franceschini to make maximum use of social channels and websites and adhering to the #iorestoacasa campaign, which was born spontaneously on the web to invite to to fight the spread of the virus limiting social relations.

Click here and enjoy!

Image: the permanent collection at MAMbo. Ph. Credit Giorgio Bianchi

MAMbo in Bologna can be visited from home: with
MAMbo in Bologna can be visited from home: with "2 minutes of MAMbo" every day the museum comes to you via social

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