Gallerie d'Italia in Naples opens new exhibit dedicated to works of the 20th century

The Gallerie d'Italia in Naples opens its new exhibition, titled Vitality of Time, dedicated to works of the 20th century, from Dec. 2023.

As of December 20, 2023, the Gallerie d’Italia in Naples renews the exhibition itinerary dedicated to twentieth-century works in the Intesa Sanpaolo Group ’s collections and opens the new display entitled Vitalità del Tempo.

This selection curated by Luca Massimo Barbero offers forty-four works, ranging from postwar to contemporary, highlighting the richness and multiplicity of a collection in continuous evolution, which has been formed over time both thanks to the confluence of works belonging to the numerous banks incorporated into the Group, and as a result of market acquisitions and major donations.

It starts with the neon of Bruce Nauman, moving on to monochrome as the fundamental theme of the 1950s and Informal art, and then to Italian Pop imagery, up to Arte Povera and contemporary art. The large corridor will display works representative of various research trends related to color, literary narrative and historical personalities revisited in a modern key, all the way to the new conceptual artists. The artists on display, which will vary over time, will be emblematic of a path of contemporary imagination and inventiveness.

The new exhibition will also be an opportunity to learn about a nucleus of eleven works belonging to the Luigi and Peppino Agrati Collection, now part of the artistic heritage managed by Intesa Sanpaolo.

Image: Domenico Gnoli, Bow tie, detail (1969; acrylic and sand on canvas; Luigi and Peppino Agrati Collection - Intesa Sanpaolo)

Gallerie d'Italia in Naples opens new exhibit dedicated to works of the 20th century
Gallerie d'Italia in Naples opens new exhibit dedicated to works of the 20th century

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