Franceschini: "Will Schmidt stay at the Uffizi? Only if the decision does not create problems with Austria"

Minister Dario Franceschini has let it be known that Eike Schmidt will remain at the Uffizi only if it does not create problems with Austria.

Minister of Cultural Heritage Dario Franceschini has commented on the affair of Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt, who turned down an appointment as director of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna: Schmidt was in fact supposed to direct the Austrian museum starting in 2020. Franceschini also recalls: “In September 2017, the director of the Uffizi, Eike Schmidt, told the press that he had accepted the directorship of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna for 5 years starting in 2020. At the beginning of this new mandate of mine, the director instead informed me of his willingness to remain at the helm of the Uffizi for another 4 years.”

Franceschini let it be known that Schmidt’s confirmation will only be possible if it does not create diplomatic incidents with Austria. The minister said he replied to the Uffizi director that “in order to consider his reappointment, which is permitted by law, I would have needed to know that this decision would not create any problems with Austria and the Austrian government. I am waiting to get full clarity from him on this.”

Pictured: Eike Schmidt

Franceschini: "Will Schmidt stay at the Uffizi? Only if the decision does not create problems with Austria"

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