For the first time Ruben Ostlund's Square will leave Scandinavia. It will be exhibited at the Museum of Cinema in Turin

For the first time, The Square / Rutan, Swedish director Ruben Östlund's art installation, will leave the borders of Scandinavia to be exhibited from Sept. 27 to Oct. 14, 2024 in Turin, Italy, at the Cinema Museum.

The National Cinema Museum in Turin is preparing to inaugurate The Square / Rutan, an art installation conceived by Swedish director Ruben Östlund, which will be exhibited for the first time outside Scandinavia. The work will be placed inside the Mole Antonelliana from Sept. 27 to Oct. 14, 2024

The Square / Rutan consists of a 3x3-meter square, traced by an LED light. On an artistic level, the work “represents an empty space waiting to be filled,” a symbolic place where people are invited to abide by rules of coexistence based onequality and mutual respect. Within this space in fact, one is all equal, with the same rights, and actions such as stealing or harming others are forbidden.

First opened in Värnamo, Sweden, on April 18, 2015, The Square / Rutan inspired Östlund’s film of the same name and has spawned an annual tradition in the Swedish city of organizing nightly events such as concerts, dance performances, and screenings. These events have been replicated in other Scandinavian cities where the installation has been permanently installed, including Grimstad in Norway (2016), Gothenburg (2018) and Ängelholm (2018) in Sweden, and now in Turin.

At the opening of the work at the National Cinema Museum on September 27, 2024, Ruben Östlund will receive the Star of the Mole Award, a recognition of his undisputed artistic talent.

The event is produced in collaboration with Solares Foundation of the Arts and International Filmmaking Academy.

Photo by Patrik Svedberg

For the first time Ruben Ostlund's Square will leave Scandinavia. It will be exhibited at the Museum of Cinema in Turin
For the first time Ruben Ostlund's Square will leave Scandinavia. It will be exhibited at the Museum of Cinema in Turin

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