Fondation Beyeler reopens May 11 and extends major exhibition dedicated to Hopper

Fondation Beyeler reopens to the public on May 11. Extend existing exhibitions at the museum until July 26, 2020.

The Fondation Beyeler will reopen its doors to the public on Monday, May 11, 2020, according to a comprehensive protection plan for visitors and employees that implements the measures of the Covid-19 ordinance provided by the Swiss federal government.

Visitor entry will be restricted through online ticket purchase with fixed time slots, and public access and circulation in the park and museum will be arranged with differentiated entry and exit points.

The exhibitions already set up in the museum premises, namely the one dedicated to the famous American artist Edward Hopper and the one presenting the collection Seeing Silence - Images of Stillness, will still be open to visitors. Both are extended until July 26, 2020.
Tickets can be purchased online starting Thursday, May 7, at
The exhibition dedicated to Hopper has been a great success with the public, and many have expressed their desire for a reopening and extension of the exhibition. The Whitney Museum of American Art in New York and other American lenders have granted the extension of the exhibition, in its entirety.

Fondation Beyeler Director Sam Keller commented, “We are happy to know that on May 11, our museum will emerge from its ’Sleeping Beauty’ slumber and the works on display will be awakened by the ’kissing’ of visitors. We have missed them. The coronavirus ”spell“ is not over yet, but the reopening of museums and parks is good news. Because experiences lived in contact with art and nature make an essential contribution to mental and physical health and quality of life.”

The exhibition Seeing Silence - Images of Stillness is also extended until July 26. It features works of modern and contemporary art dealing with different aspects of silence and stillness, such as still lifes, contemplative landscapes, images of sleep and last rest. More than one hundred works by Claude Monet, Paul Cézanne, Pablo Picasso, Fernand Léger, Piet Mondrian, Hans Arp, Alberto Giacometti, Mark Rothko, Andy Warhol, Richard Serra, Gerhard Richter, Marlene Dumas and many more.

However, a major exhibition dedicated to Goya was planned from May 17 to August 16, 2020, but due to the health emergency it was postponed. A new date will be announced in June. In collaboration with the Prado in Madrid, the exhibition brings together rarely exhibited paintings, drawings, and prints from private collections and European and American museum venues.

Image: Edward Hopper, Cape Cod Morning (1950; oil on canvas, 86.7 x 102.3 cm; Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of the Sara Roby Foundation) © Heirs of Josephine Hopper / 2019, ProLitteris, Zurich. Photo: Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gene Young

Fondation Beyeler reopens May 11 and extends major exhibition dedicated to Hopper
Fondation Beyeler reopens May 11 and extends major exhibition dedicated to Hopper

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