Florence, Accademia Gallery reopens with lower ticket and new ventilation system

In Florence, the Accademia Gallery reopens with a new, safe, high-efficiency ventilation system and a lowered cost ticket.

The reopening of the Accademia Gallery in Florence is set for June 2, with an important new feature: the museum of Michelangelo ’s David has in fact completed work on theventilation system that had caused numerous problems in the past, forcing several times the rooms to be without air conditioning and thus causing inconvenience to visitors and workers. The problems have now been resolved, and as early as yesterday, as scheduled and despite difficulties due to restrictions on the containment of Covid-19 coronavirus infection, the new system was successfully tested.

The machine, they let the museum know, guarantees very high performance in terms of efficiency, performance and energy savings: in addition, the new system will provide museum environments with the microclimate suitable for the preservation of artworks, as well as optimal air exchange levels for the health and safety of users.

As for the reopening, which as mentioned has been set for June 2 (at 11:30 a.m. director Cecilie Hollberg and Florence Mayor Dario Nardella will be present for a public greeting), there are some new features: a unidirectional route, a new entrance and new exits in order to allow for a safe visit in accordance with ministerial regulations, and the change in the cost of the ticket, which decreases from 12 to 8 euros (the museum still recommends reservations, at a cost of 4 euros, by calling 055 294883, or by purchasing the ticket online through the B-Ticket platform). Still, the Gallery and the concessionaire Opera Laboratori Fiorentini have developed an app called The Right Distance, based on Bluetooth technology, which allows a visit while maintaining a distance from other visitors: the app, which can be downloaded for free from the Apple and Android stores, alerts the smartphone owner with a vibration when the distance with other visitors falls below the set threshold.

In this first period, in order to monitor the proper distribution of visitors within the museum, a maximum of 50 visitors will be allowed, which the museum hopes to raise to 80 if conditions allow. In addition, no groups will be allowed, and in order to ensure a safe, one-way route, some rooms such as the musical instruments room, the side rooms of the 13th and 14th centuries, including the second floor, will be temporarily closed. Finally, during the first phase, the Gallery will reopen Tuesday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.: entry will be allowed until 30 minutes before closing.

“For weeks,” says Cecilie Hollberg, “we have been working to be able to safely welcome the public to the Accademia Gallery. Not only will we reopen the museum on time on June 2, as previously announced, but we will also inaugurate the new ventilation system that we have worked so hard on over the years. It’s like a new museum, there are a lot of logistical challenges, a new one-way path, new entrances and new exits. We cannot, at the moment, estimate the number of visitors but the number is not important, it is important to give a signal, ethical and moral, in my opinion. We are very happy to be able to host the public again in this unique place and that this special opening is happening precisely on the occasion of such an important national celebration.”

Florence, Accademia Gallery reopens with lower ticket and new ventilation system
Florence, Accademia Gallery reopens with lower ticket and new ventilation system

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