Experience the museum as if it were your own: this is how you try it at the Mart in Rovereto

The Mart in Rovereto tries to bring the public closer to the museum so that visitors experience the institution as their own. And it does so with a new membership.

A new proposal, by the Mart of Rovereto, to bring its public closer to the museum: it is the Mart Membership, a card that gives unlimited access for one year to the Mart itself and to affiliated museums. The goal, the museum’s management explains, is to send the public “an immediate, intuitive message that describes an open, participatory museum” and that wants them to perceive the museum “as a place in which to find themselves, a second home in which to spend their free time and have fun.” To experience the museum as one’s own, in other words.

Mart Membership, which aims to establish a kind of community of “Friends of the Mart,” was unveiled last Saturday, Oct. 14, along with a campaign created to promote the project, featuring ordinary people who inhabit museum spaces by performing simple daily actions, such as reading a newspaper, listening to music, playing music, playing with children, chatting, even exercising by running. The campaign claim is Sweet home, and the purpose is clear: to make the museum a home to live in.

Membership costs are very affordable: only 20 euros for 15-26 year olds, 50 for those over 27, 100 for families, but there are also additional categories for those who decide to become “patrons” of the museum. All friends will get unlimited free admission to the Mart, and reduced admission to affiliated museums, for one year, as well as a wide range of benefits.

The Membership program, in fact, intends to bring the public closer to the museum also with other activities, such as cultural trips, special guided tours, meetings with artists, or guaranteeing the possibility of participating in previews, openings, parties and reserved events, for students also the possibility of having assistance in the writing of theses related to the Mart, and for companies the active collaboration in projects involving the museum. For more information, however, it is possible to contact the Mart at 0464 454169 or by sending an e-mail to membership@mart.tn.it. The museum has also opened a membership page on its website.

Experience the museum as if it were your own: this is how you try it at the Mart in Rovereto
Experience the museum as if it were your own: this is how you try it at the Mart in Rovereto

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