Evening openings at the Accademia Gallery in Florence throughout the summer

Throughout the summer, the Accademia Gallery in Florence opens its doors to the public in the evening hours to quietly enjoy a nighttime stroll inside the Gallery as the light in the rooms changes.

Starting June 13 until October 31, 2023, the Accademia Gallery in Florence will open its doors to the public in the evening hours: every Tuesday it will be possible to visit the museum until 10 p.m. (last entry 9:30 p.m.) and every Thursday until 9 p.m. (last entry 8:30 p.m.).

The initiative has been very popular in previous years and allows for dilution of attendance.

The evening visits will allow the public to quietly enjoy a nighttime walk through the Accademia Gallery. During these hours of the evening, the light in the rooms changes and, thanks to the brand new and extraordinary LED lighting, the works present themselves to visitors under a different atmosphere, the plastic surfaces of Michelangelo’s sculptures acquiring a very special softness that captures the eye. In the Gipsoteca, one will be captivated by the plaster figures portrayed by Lorenzo Bartolini in the 19th century. These include the marble effigy of Napoleon, a recent acquisition by the museum, which portrays him without any celebratory element, far from traditional idealizations, with a melancholy and brooding gaze.

It is then possible to admire the collection of paintings, among the most important and richest internationally in terms of the production of Florentine masters from the 13th to the 16th centuries. Adjacent to the Hall of the Colossus, dominated by Giambologna’s earthen sketch depicting The Rape of the Sabine Women, is the recent small room dedicated to the fifteenth century, which holds two masterpieces such as the so-called Cassone Adimari by Scheggia, Masaccio’s brother, and Paolo Uccello’s Thebaid.

In the musical instruments section, on the other hand, there are many excellences such as a tenor viola and cello by Antonio Stradivari, both part of the quintet made in 1690 for Grand Prince Ferdinando de’ Medici, a cello by Niccolò Amati from 1650, an oval spinet and an ebony harpsichord, both made by Bartolomeo Cristofori. A unique piece of its kind is the Psaltery, made up in all its parts of different qualities of marble.

You can book a visit directly from the Florence Academy Gallery website https://www.galleriaaccademiafirenze.it/visita/ or by calling Firenze Musei:+39 055 294883.

Evening openings at the Accademia Gallery in Florence throughout the summer
Evening openings at the Accademia Gallery in Florence throughout the summer

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