Eike Schmidt is a special guest at Lucca Comics. Will he dress up as a cosplayer?

Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt is at the opening of Lucca Comics today as a special guest. I wonder if he will dress up as a cosplayer?

Uffizi Director Eike Schmidt will be thespecial guest on the opening day of Lucca Comics and Games, scheduled for this afternoon. Tomorrow afternoon, at 4 p.m., as part of the event, the director will visit the exhibition dedicated to Gianni Rodari at the former Cavallerizza in Piazzale Verdi together with Mayor Alessandro Tambellini; then together they will present a recent art acquisition of the museum at the reduced space of the Teatro del Giglio. After that, Schmidt will speak at the official opening of this year’s edition, which will be held starting at 5 p.m., also in the Teatro del Giglio.

The 2020 edition of Lucca Comics, due to thehealth emergency caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, will be held completely online, with the Lucca Changes program including several streaming events and meetings that can be followed from the comfort of one’s own devices by connecting to the dedicated address. Even the opening with the participation of Eike Schmidt will be able to be followed via live streaming. And who knows if the director of the Uffizi will dress up as a cosplayer like many of those who participate in the well-known games and comics event do? ! In any case, this is an interesting first for the world of museums, which is thus being introduced to situations and places that are unexpected or that most would hardly be tempted to associate with museums.

Eike Schmidt is a special guest at Lucca Comics. Will he dress up as a cosplayer?
Eike Schmidt is a special guest at Lucca Comics. Will he dress up as a cosplayer?

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