Discovering the Herculaneum Archaeological Park on YouTube for #iorestoacasa

There are many videos that the Mibact has posted on its Youtube channel as part of the #iorestoacasa initiative to allow users to admire major cultural sites throughout Italy directly from home.

These include the video entitled Lapilli di Ercolano (Lapilli of H erculaneum), which takes us on a tour of the Herculaneum Archaeological Park with an exceptional guide: Francesco Sirano, director of the park. Between skeletons of 300 people caught in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, the Herculaneum Boat, and finds from the excavations of the ancient beach and the Villa of the Papyri, Sirano takes us through the most important finds of the archaeological site and surrounding areas.

You can view the film by clicking here.

Pictured: an excerpt from the video

Discovering the Herculaneum Archaeological Park on YouTube for #iorestoacasa
Discovering the Herculaneum Archaeological Park on YouTube for #iorestoacasa

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