Boccaccio's real Decameron told online by the Boccaccio House in Certaldo

In Certaldo, the Casa del Boccaccio welcomes artists from the Teatro Oranona company who read novellas from Boccaccio's Decameron.

The great Giovanni Boccaccio (Certaldo, 1313 - 1375), in these days of enforced isolation, is one of the most quoted writers. But what really is his most famous work, the Decameron, the novel set in the hills of Florence during the plague that struck Europe in 1348? Telling us about it is L’Oranona Teatro - Polis Association(, which for more than a decade, in Boccaccio’s House in Certaldo, the writer’s hometown, has been reading, every second Friday of the month, the novellae of the Decameron in unabridged form. Novelle that over the years have been recorded, both in audio and video, and are now being presented again.

The selection of novelle, in video format, is posted online starting today on Oranona’s Facebook page: This is the lineup of novellas planned for now: Day III, novella 1 - Masetto da Lamporecchio; Day IV, novella 5 - Elisabetta da Messina; Day V, novella 6 - - Gian di Procida; Day V, novella 8 - Nastagio degli Onesti; Day VI, novella 10 - Frate Cipolla; Day VI, novella 1 - Madonna Oretta, novella 2 - Cisti fornaio, novella 3 - Monna de’ Pulci; Day VI, novella 4 - Chichibio cuoco; Day VII, novella 2 - Peronella and her lover; Day IX, novella 6 - Two young men albergano con uno; Day IX, novella 10 - Donno Gianni e lo ’ncantesimo.

“Oranona resists the Coronavirus,” say director Carlo Romiti and the company’s performers, “and does so by publishing video footage of some of the readings done over the years every three days, and until we can return to live theater, we will publish one of our novellas from the Decameron, starting with Masetto da Lamporecchio.” Oranona’s actors and musicians come from the theater workshops and music school of Associazione Polis: the latter supports and promotes the initiative Si racconta le novelle del Boccaccio, with the collaboration and support of Comune di Certaldo and Ente nazionale Giovanni Boccaccio.

Pictured: a moment of the initiative

Boccaccio's real Decameron told online by the Boccaccio House in Certaldo
Boccaccio's real Decameron told online by the Boccaccio House in Certaldo

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