An anti-Trump wall on the terrace of the Metropolitan Museum

The Metropolitan Museum in New York presents Héctor Zamora's site-specific installation, Lattice Detour, on the Roof Garden.

The Metropolitan Museum in New York has reopened to the public with a special site-specific installation visible from August 29 to December 7, 2020 on the Roof Garden. It is Lattice Detour by Mexican artist Héctor Zamora (Mexico City, 1974), which takes on a highly topical significance in the United States, as it refers in particular to what is happening at the U.S.-Mexico border, to the wall that President Donald Trump is having built between the two countries.

The artist transformed the view of the Manhattan skyline with his installation, using one of the most topical symbols of U.S. politics, namely the wall. The latter was built with terracotta bricks produced in Mexico, with Mexican soil and by Mexican labor and traditional processes.

Zamora built a wall that obstructs the view of Central Park and Manhattan to make visitors think about the strong impact of barriers and the impediment it causes to the open and wide view of the world.

In addition, the bricks have been arranged horizontally so that the perforations can be seen-a reference to wall structures common in the popular architecture of the Middle East, Africa, Spain, and Latin America.

“Using simple material,” commented Metropolitan Museum director Max Hollein, Héctor Zamora’s Lattice Detour interrupts and alters the way visitors interact with space and creates a reflection on movement, transparency, and interference. Presenting itself as a protective wall and a permeable screen, Lattice Detour is a transformative, opportune and charged intervention."

Ph.Credit Metropolitan Museum of Art

An anti-Trump wall on the terrace of the Metropolitan Museum
An anti-Trump wall on the terrace of the Metropolitan Museum

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