2020 starts with free museums: January 5 first free Sunday of the year

The year 2020 of art will begin with free museums: in full holiday season, the first free Sunday of the year will fall on January 5, Epiphany weekend. The #domenicalmuseo initiative, which since 2014 has allowed everyone to enter state museums for free on the first Sunday of the month, covers nearly five hundred cultural venues, a list of which can be found in theappropriate section on the Ministry of Culture website.

Given the large turnout, there may be limitations in some places: in Pompeii, for example, entry is on time slots, the Colosseum is open with limited entry, and some places can be visited only by reservation. It is therefore advisable to consult the MiBACT website to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Pictured: the Royal Palace of Caserta. Ph. Credit Miguel Hermoso Cuesta

2020 starts with free museums: January 5 first free Sunday of the year
2020 starts with free museums: January 5 first free Sunday of the year

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