Three works by Pellizza da Volpedo rediscovered. Which are now on display in what was once his studio.

Three important paintings by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo have been rediscovered after decades, and now they are all on display in an exhibition at the Pellizza Studio-Museum in Volpedo through Sept. 22.

Three important paintings by Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo (Volpedo, 1868 - 1907) have been rediscovered after decades, and now they are all on display in an exhibition at the Pellizza Studio-Museum in Volpedo (Alessandria), the birthplace of the great pointillist painter. The exhibition of the three paintings comes on the 30th anniversary of the opening of the Pellizza Studio-Museum, and is organized by the Municipality of Volpedo and the Pellizza Association, in collaboration with METS Percorsi d’Arte. The very studio where the famous Fourth Estate came to life. This exhibition, part of a biennial tradition started by the Pellizza Association, represents the twelfth edition of this tradition that has been going on since 2001, when Quarto Stato was exhibited in the studio one hundred years after its creation.

This year, three works by Pellizza, long absent from exhibition circuits, were loaned for the exhibition. These include La Clementina, whose last appearance was at the 8th Venice Biennale in 1909, and which until now was known only through black-and-white reproductions. The other two paintings, Pontecastello and Summer Morning, were last exhibited in Alexandria in 1954. Pontecastello depicts a now vanished corner of Volpedo, fixed by Pellizza on a hot summer afternoon, while Summer Morning is a landscape rendered with chromatic richness and pictorial techniques ranging from dense brushstrokes to decisive strokes.

The exhibition, on view from Aug. 17 through Sept. 22, marks the beginning of an in-depth look at Pellizza’s work, which will continue with the exhibition Landscapes. Reality Impression Symbol, From Migliara to Pellizza da Volpedo scheduled for the fall at Novara Castle, and will culminate next year with a monographic exhibition at Milan’s Gallery of Modern Art, in the Villa Reale on Via Palestro, home of the Fourth Estate.

In parallel, a docufilm entitled Pellizza Pittore da Volpedo, directed by Francesco Fei and starring Fabrizio Bentivoglio, produced by METS and Apnea Film with the support of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Tortona and the Film Commission Torino Piemonte, will be released. This series of events, starting with the exhibition in Pellizza’s studio, will offer audiences the opportunity to explore and appreciate various aspects of Pellizza da Volpedo’s work and life, revealing the depth and sensitivity of an artist who deserves to be recognized among the great European masters of his time.

Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, La Clementina (1906-1907; oil on canvas, 50 x 80 cm)
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, La Clementina (1906-1907; oil on canvas, 50 x 80 cm)
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Pontecastello (1904; oil on canvas, 53 x 74.2 cm)
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Pontecastello (1904; oil on canvas, 53 x 74.2 cm)
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Summer Morning (1905; oil on canvas applied to board, 47.2 x 66.8 cm)
Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo, Summer Morning (1905; oil on canvas applied to panel, 47.2 x 66.8 cm)

Three works by Pellizza da Volpedo rediscovered. Which are now on display in what was once his studio.
Three works by Pellizza da Volpedo rediscovered. Which are now on display in what was once his studio.

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