Stories of youth and culture

Stories of youth and culture: the new initiative of Finestre Sull'Arte through which we will tell the stories of young people working in culture (museums, exhibitions, institutions)

In the coming days, the Finestre Sull’Arte blog will feature posts that are part of an initiative we have called Stories of Youth and Culture. Culture, in our country, is made up of many gears, and often many of these gears are not talked about: but without many figures who work every day in museums, at exhibitions, at the bodies in charge of the enhancement and protection of cultural heritage, culture in Italy could not function.

Here, on Finestre Sull’Arte, we have decided to tell some stories of young people working in culture: those who work in a museum, those who try, with courage and conviction, to take their own path, those who are in the frantic search for a job that can guarantee the proper crowning of years of study and sacrifice. We tell these stories because often, walking through the halls of a museum or visiting an exhibition, we have no idea of the work behind it: but it is thanks to all these people that we can enjoy art and culture. So we want to give them space and a voice.

We will start publishing the first stories in the coming days, but anyone who wants to tell their story can send us an email at mail @ or contact us on our Facebook page at So we look forward to contributions and wish everyone a good read as of now!

Warning: the translation into English of the original Italian article was created using automatic tools. We undertake to review all articles, but we do not guarantee the total absence of inaccuracies in the translation due to the program. You can find the original by clicking on the ITA button. If you find any mistake,please contact us.