Working in culture: vacancies, calls and open positions of the week

Weekly appointment for those looking for jobs in culture: here are vacancies, calls for applications and open positions we have gathered for the week of June 16-23, 2023.

Appointment with our column dedicated to those looking for jobs in culture. Below are vacancies, open positions, calls for applications and opportunities that we have collected during the week of June 16-23, 2023.

Windows on Art has opened selections for external collaborators for the subjects design and contemporary art. To apply, visit the appropriate page.

In Turin, the Fondazione Torino Musei has published an expression of interest to proceed with the identification of an external Scientific Curator to be entrusted with the curatorship of the Luci d’Artista Project Editions 26 (2023/2024) and 27 (2024/2025). Deadline June 30, 2023. For information go to the Torino Musei website.

In Milan, the SOS Telefono Azzurro Foundation is looking for a Digital Media Specialist to join the Communications&Fundraising team. The resource will contribute to the achievement of communication goals: through new digital channels, he/she will strengthen Telefono Azzurro’s web presence to increase awareness on child-related issues, building loyalty and acquiring new supporters for the Association. For info see the Linkedin page of Telefono Azzurro.

In Milan, the Teatro alla Scala Foundation is looking for multimedia engineers with audio and video specialization to be hired on a permanent contract within the Technical Management, with a position in level 3B technical-administrative area. Deadline July 12. For information go to the Foundation’s website.

In Milan, Wunderkammern Gallery is offering a curricular/extracurricular internship as gallery assistant. 6 months from the end of July 2023 Tuesday to Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. - 7 p.m. See Wunderkammern’s Linkedin page for information.

In Lissone (Monza Brianza), the Municipality of Lissone is looking for the new director of the MAC - Museum of Contemporary Art, and has published a call for an experienced professional to be appointed as an autonomous specialist collaborator as Artistic Director of the MAC for the period of no. 36 months from the date of the appointment. Deadline July 7, 2023. For information go to the City of Lissone website.

In Genoa, software development house Miniclip is looking for a game tester to hire. For information go to Miniclip’s Linkedin page.

In Venice,Ca’ Foscari University is announcing a public competition, based on qualifications and exams, to fill a permanent position of category D, economic position D1, management administrative area, profile of communication and relations officer, for the needs of the Department of Economics (DEC) of Ca’ Foscari University Venice, with priority reserved for volunteers of the Armed Forces in accordance with Legislative Decree 66/2010. Deadline July 6. For information see the Ca’ Foscari University website.

In Venice,Ca’ Foscari University announces an open competition, for exams, to fill 4 permanent positions of category C, economic position C1, library area, profile of library operator, of which 1 position reserved for disabled personnel ex. art.1 of Law n.68/99 for the needs of the University Library System of Ca’ Foscari University Venice. Deadline June 29. For information see the Ca’ Foscari University website.

In Venice, Palazzetto Bru Zane seeks a communications and public relations officer. Permanent contract. For information go to the Palazzetto Bru Zane website.

In Padua, theUniversity of Padua announces a public selection, by examination and with possible pre-selection, for the permanent recruitment of a Librarian to support the University Center for Libraries. Deadline July 10. For info go to the University of Padua website.

InParma, theUniversity of Parma announces a competition for a category D position, Technical Scientific Technical and Data Processing area, for an indefinite term in the Third Mission Management Area for the needs of the Botanical Garden. Expiry date July 5, 2023. For information go to the University of Parma website.

InParma, theUniversity of Parma announces a competition for 5 permanent positions of Category C, Libraries Area, for the needs of the Research Executive Area. Deadline July 5, 2023. For information go to the University of Parma website.

In Poggio a Caiano (Prato), the Municipality of Poggio a Caiano announces a competition for a full-time, fixed-term journalist in the staff office of the Mayor of the Municipality of Poggio a Caiano - with professional classification in the civil servant and high qualification area - until the end of the Mayor’s term. Expiry date June 30. For info go to the website of the Municipality of Poggio a Caiano.

In Rome, Milan, Naples and Turin, RAI is looking for 11 resources to join the company on a professionalizing apprenticeship contract under Article 10 of the RAI CCL for Middle Managers, Clerks and Workers as a Constructor. The Constructor builds scenic constructions for studio and outdoor productions using various materials; installs fixed and/or mobile works and in the course of filming provides for the movement of scenic material and filming equipment placed on the constructed works and performs repairs of scenic elements. Picks up, assembles and disassembles equipment, takes care of initial maintenance of machines and retrieves reusable material. Deadline 12 noon July 23. For info go to Rai’s Linkedin page.

In Rome, Ales spa, an in-house company of the Ministry of Culture, seeks a statistical data processor. Deadline June 28. For info go to Ales spa’s website.

In Rome, Save the Children seeks a Digital Education and Teaching Program Coordinator to oversee and lead “digital education and teaching” projects, contributing to the expansion of Save the Children’s intervention and the development of thematic positioning. Deadline June 30, 2023. For information go to the Save the Children website.

In Herculaneum (Naples), the C.i.v.e.s Foundation (Integrated Center for the Enhancement of Herculaneum and the Excavations) has published a call for applications to identify the foundation’s new general director. Deadline July 7. For information go to the Herculaneum MAV Museum website.

In Reggio Calabria, the Municipality of Reggio Calabria announces a competition for 2 journalists, area of officials and high qualification. Deadline July 1. For information go to the website of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.

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Image: view of Parma

Working in culture: vacancies, calls and open positions of the week
Working in culture: vacancies, calls and open positions of the week

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