The Ministry of Culture launches a course for the care and enhancement of historic parks and gardens

Online call for professionals, experts and practitioners for the care and management of historic parks and gardens. "Beyond the Garden," an executive course launched by the ministry, offers two training actions.

Online from today, Feb. 2, is the public call for papers Beyond the Garden. Maturing Skills, the executive course aimed at professionals, experts and practitioners in the care and management of historic parks and gardens. The course is part of the free continuing education and professional development program Oltre il Giardino( Beyond the Garden), an initiative of the Ministry of Culture promoted by Service VIII of the General Secretariat in collaboration with Service I of the General Directorate for Education, Research and Cultural Institutions, curated and implemented by the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities with the support of APGI Associazione Parchi e Giardini d’Italia, and funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU under the PNRR Culture 4.0, Measure M1C3 Investment 2.3 Programs to enhance the identity of places: historic parks and gardens. The project consists of theAdvisory board, a team of highly specialized and commissioned experts has the task of defining the strategic and guiding lines of the project define the strategic and guiding lines of the project. Below, the Faculty gathers experts in order to scientifically coordinate the project’s training activities, based on the guidelines set by the Advisory Board. They contribute to the identification of relevant training content and teaching methodologies, participate in the identification of criteria for the evaluation and certification of acquired skills, and in the selection of teachers and trainers.

Beyond theGarden offers two continuing education and professional development actions: The first executive course, Beyond the Garden. Maturing skills, is intended for professionals, experts and operators active in the processes of care and management of parks and historic gardens, both in the public and private sectors, for-profit or nonprofit. It takes place from April to June and includes online lectures and in-person meetings at some of the leading historic parks and gardens in Italy, which are partners in the project, such as: Reggia di Caserta, Reggia di Venaria (TO), Museo Nazionale di Villa Pisani (VE), Villa Durazzo (GE), Giardino della Villa Medicea di Castello (FI), Villa Buonaccorsi (MC). Participants will be selected through a public call for entries, open until next Feb. 29.

The second, Beyond the Garden. Sowing Knowledge, The basic course, aimed at a broad audience, aims to introduce participants to the concepts of the historic garden, provide basic theoretical knowledge and present tools to enhance and communicate cultural heritage. It will be available from April to October 2024, and accessible entirely online. The courses are free of charge and the skills learned will be certified through Open Badge, a certification standard recognized at the European level and usable in all qualified venues both nationally and in Europe.

“Our historic parks and gardens are among the most beautiful in the world and, like Italy’s museums and archaeological sites, they represent the points of our identity geography. We must take care of them and revitalize their cultural role also through the training of new specific professional skills. Europe tells us that we are first in terms of spending capacity of PNRR funds for culture, we have achieved all the targets and we should be proud of our achievements. From these resources will come the tools to enhance our cultural heritage and for the professional growth of our staff,” said Culture Minister Gennaro Sangiuliano.

“For the first time in an accomplished and unified protection intervention, in addition to investing substantial resources for the protection and preservation of historic parks and gardens, the Ministry of Culture has planned actions aimed at knowledge through the launch of a cataloging campaign extended to all regions and the training of qualified professional figures. The Ministry, aware of the difficulties that many administrations face in the management of these assets due to the drastic reduction of specialized personnel, intends to promote the implementation of specific training courses,” says the Director General of the Mission Unit for the implementation of the PNRR of the Ministry of Culture, Angelantonio Orlando.

“The Foundation renews its commitment to the training of cultural professionals. With Beyond the Garden, we bring a relevant novelty to the paths of professional growth and updating of experts and operators engaged in the care and management of historic parks and gardens. The courses are designed to develop in participants the skills necessary to manage the complexity of their historical, artistic and landscape dimensions - places designed in natural contexts through the skillful use of architectural, sculptural and decorative elements but also of greenery and water - which requires a broad and integrated perspective,” manifests the President of the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, Vincenzo Trione.

To apply:

In the photo: Royal Palace of Caserta, the bath of Venus

The Ministry of Culture launches a course for the care and enhancement of historic parks and gardens
The Ministry of Culture launches a course for the care and enhancement of historic parks and gardens

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