Rome, three 10,000-euro scholarships for under-30s at Istituto del Risorgimento

The Risorgimento Institute, based in the Vittoriano in Rome, has opened a competition for three scholarships of 10,000 euros each to be awarded to three young graduates under the age of 30.

TheInstitute for the History of the Italian Risorgimento, which is based in the Vittoriano in Rome, has published a call for applications for three annual scholarships in the amount of 10,000 euros each for young graduates who are under 30 years of age on the deadline date, to carry out acensus, computerization and digitization of documentary materials in its archives. Eligible degrees are historical, art-historical, cultural heritage conservation or archival disciplines.

Details and eligibility criteria for applications can be found on the Institute’s website at The deadline for submitting them is November 7, 2022 at 12 noon to the pec email address

“With this initiative,” says the Institute’s extraordinary commissioner, Anna Maria Buzzi, “the Institute intends to relaunch activities also in order to boost knowledge of the history of the Italian Risorgimento among new generations.”

Rome, three 10,000-euro scholarships for under-30s at Istituto del Risorgimento
Rome, three 10,000-euro scholarships for under-30s at Istituto del Risorgimento

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