Rome kicks off the call for entries for 9th International Contemporary Generation Award

The Luiss Creative Business Center has opened the call for entries for the 9th edition of the Prize, which this year interrogates young artists on the theme of forgery. For the winner in prize €4,000.00.

The Luiss Creative Business Center in Rome announces the 9th edition of the Generazione Contemporanea International Prize, a competition that aims to promote Italian and international contemporary art, support artists under 35 and expand the permanent contemporary art collection of Luiss Business School S.p.A. The winner will be awarded a cash prize of €4,000.00, which will be given to the first place winner through the purchase of the work. The deadline for entry is September 30, 2024, 12 noon and participation is free. The three finalist works will be displayed in the Master in Art Management exhibition and included in the relevant catalog. The jury, composed of members of the Master in Art Management’s scientific committee, consists of:

Luca Lo Pinto (Artistic Director MACRO - Rome), Francesca Cappelletti (Director Galleria Borghese - Rome), Cristiana Collu (Director Fondazione Querini Stampalia - Venice), Pia Lauro (Independent Curator), Domenico Piraina (Director Area Exhibitions and Scientific Museums, City of Milan), Roberto Cotroneo (Journalist, Writer and Photographer), Luca Pirolo (Director Area Master, Luiss Business School S.p.A.), A representative of the Curatorial Collective of the 14th edition of the Master in Management of Creative and Cultural Enterprises - Major in Art Management of Luiss Business School S.p.A.

Theme of the competition is Fake. Talking today about “original,” “copy,” “fake,” “multiple,” “clone” becomes increasingly complex. The Luiss Business School XIV Curatorial Collective is questioning how this theme influences today’s society and how perception and appearances are affected by it. This is the theme specifically, “Art is a thermometer that can investigate the phenomenology of the false since by its nature it has a relationship with the real both in its essence, in making itself into the object, and in its metamorphosis. The Luiss Business School XIV Curatorial Collective examines how this theme influences today’s society and how perception and appearances are affected by it. The focus is then placed on the nature of the fake: is there anything in contemporary art that can be unequivocally considered as such? ”

For more information about the Prize, visit the Luiss Creative Business Center website.

Image: one of the Luiss campuses

Rome kicks off the call for entries for 9th International Contemporary Generation Award
Rome kicks off the call for entries for 9th International Contemporary Generation Award

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