The first edition of the executive course in Management of Artistic-Cultural Heritage and Corporate Collections, organized by Intesa Sanpaolo with the aim of fostering the growth of the skills of professionals working in the sector as a qualifying element of the Italian cultural system, has started. The course is sponsored by MiBACT and stems from the experience gained by Intesa Sanpaolo over the years with Progetto Cultura (the Bank’s program that since 2011 has been protecting, managing and enhancing Intesa Sanpaolo’s collections, collected in the Gallerie d’Italia with the three museums in Milan, Naples and Vicenza and the one soon to be opened in Turin), the Group’s Historical Archives, and the Restituzioni project.
The course is unique in Italy and is organized by Intesa Sanpaolo with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and the Cariplo Foundation, in collaboration with Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione and Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura, and designed with the scientific contribution of the Fondazione Scuola dei beni e delle attività culturali. Among the topics covered will be the protection of the assets of private individuals, nonprofit institutions and businesses, the institutional legal context in Italy and abroad, the public-privat relationship new forms of partnership, innovative heritage management practices, collection management in the private and corporate spheres, the economic-financial and accounting dimensions of cultural assets and activities, and strategies for enhancing and expanding the use of corporate and private assets.
The course, under the organizational direction of Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione, is coordinated by Professor Guido Guerzoni, professor at Bocconi University. Lectures are given by academics from Italian universities, professionals, culture and business managers, and museum directors and officials. The initiative, Intesa Sanpaolo points out, is the first step in a broader training project in the pipeline, Gallerie d’Italia Academy, a further commitment by Intesa Sanpaolo to the world of art and culture geared toward establishing a qualified pool of professionals specializing in one of the country’s most active and characterizing sectors.
The course is aimed at graduates with at least two years of work experience, preferably in the management of museums, archives and artistic heritage of companies and private individuals with the aim of increasing their managerial skills and relations with the territory. Lasts six months, from February to July 2021, with 144 hours of classes held in twelve sessions (Friday afternoons and Saturdays). It has a multidisciplinary and applied approach based on analysis and testing of concrete cases and direct exchange between faculty and participants. Until the health emergency continues, the course will be delivered digitally through the e-learning platform of the Foundation School of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the course’s scientific partner. Any in-person meetings will be held in Milan, at the Gallerie d’Italia - Piazza Scala and in Turin, at the headquarters of the 1563 Foundation. Teaching may be supplemented by study visits to art places, cultural institutions, corporate assets and museums. Eight scholarships provided by Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura and Fondazione Cariplo are available. There is also the Gallerie d’Italia Fellowship program, which allows the participation of 4 additional candidates under 32 years of age who have been pursuing a PhD or postgraduate degree for no more than 18 months in economic, legal and art-historical disciplines related to art and culture not yet in the labor market. Information, costs and the application for admission to the course distributed by Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione, available starting Dec. 1, can be found at
“The commitment to the care and promotion of the Bank’s exceptional cultural heritage,” says Michele Coppola, Executive Director Art, Culture and Historical Heritage Intesa Sanpaolo and Director of Gallerie d’Italia, “has reaffirmed the importance of training specific skills in the management of art collections and museums. The initiative, the result of an active synergy between public and private entities, concretizes an innovative growth opportunity for young professionals in the sector, testifying to the ability of Intesa Sanpaolo’s Progetto Cultura to generate value, including social value, in an updated perspective on the issues and challenges of the present.”
“We decided to participate in this important initiative,” stresses Alessandra Vittorini, director of the Fondazione Scuola dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali, “because we are convinced that the training of all professionals in the sector, including those responsible for the private management of cultural heritage, is the guarantee for an increasingly effective implementation of public policies of protection and enhancement. This is why we have studied, together with Intesa Sanpaolo, a training program capable of creating in participants that innovative and conscious common language that we are convinced will generate positive effects for the entire heritage system.”
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Intesa Sanpaolo initiates first advanced training course for cultural managers |
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