Brescia museums seek guides: here are requirements, pay, how to apply

The Brescia Musei Foundation, in view of expected increases in inflows for the Italian Capital of Culture, is looking for museum guides: here are requirements, expected salary, how to apply and until when.

Fondazione Brescia Musei is launching a procedure for the formation of a single list of professionals and experts to be drawn from for the performance of guided tour services, to be provided as part of Fondazione Brescia Musei’ exhibition and cultural initiatives starting in February 2023. Applications, complete with curriculum vitae and exhaustive list and description of the experience carried out, must be submitted by noon on January 23, 2023. Applications received after this date will be included in the list in the first useful update, which will normally occur annually in the same manner.

The purpose of the Foundation is to integrate the existing service, already provided by the collaborators of the Educational Services, through professional figures and experts who have specific skills with regard to the Collections of the Civic Museums and who guarantee quality and homogeneity in the services offered to visitors, ensuring on the part of the Brescia Musei Foundation a timely management of the activities requested by the public also in light of their foreseeable future increase. This adjustment has become necessary in anticipation of the numerous requests expected during the year of the Italian Capital of Culture in 2023.

The fees will be: for guided tours to groups of adults, 93 euros for visit up to 2 hours, 165 euros for visit up to 4 hours and 30 minutes. For guided tours to school groups, 63 euros for visit up to 2 hours, 123 euros for visit up to 4 hours and 30 minutes. For activities related to guided tours in all Museums and cultural initiatives for groups of adults, families and schools of all levels in Italian: Possession of a master’s degree or three-year old or new degree, knowledge of the museum heritage preserved in the museum venues managed by Fondazione Brescia Musei (and ability to conduct tours in foreign languages for those who will conduct tours in English, Spanish, German, French or other languages).

Preferential criteria are deemed to be the possession of a single-cycle or second-cycle degree or of the old system in the fields of Magistrale, History of Art, Archaeology, Academies of Fine Arts with address related to the activities to be carried out, Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Foreign Languages and Literatures with art historical addresses, Architecture, issued by Universities recognized in accordance with the Italian university system or equivalent qualification obtained from a foreign university institute; have previous, documentable professional experience in conducting guided tours for public or private entities; hold a tour guide’s license (which, however, is an exclusive and necessary condition for mixed guided tours to Museums and the city).

For all information you can visit the website of the Brescia Musei Foundation.

Image: Brescia, Pinacoteca Tosio Martinengo

Brescia museums seek guides: here are requirements, pay, how to apply
Brescia museums seek guides: here are requirements, pay, how to apply

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