On August 9, 2019, a call for applications was published in the Official Gazette for 1,052 enjoyment, reception and supervision assistants (also known as “AFAVs”) who will work at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. In this article we summarize some of the main questions you have asked us about the competition hoping to give you comprehensive answers.
1) Where can I find the notice?
The notice was published in the Official Gazette (fourth special series, No. 63 of August 9, 2019): you can download it from the Official Gazette website or from the MiBAC website.
2) What are the requirements to participate?
Italian citizenship, or citizenship, of an EU country, or citizenship of a third country but with an EU long-term resident permit, or being a refugee with recognized status (or also being in subsidiary protection status); at least 18 years of age; at least a high school diploma or equivalent qualifications; physical fitness for employment; enjoyment of civil and political rights; not to have been excluded from active political voting; not to have been dismissed or disqualified or declared disqualified from public service; not to have been convicted, with final judgment, of offenses involving disqualification from public office; to have fulfilled military service obligations (only for male candidates born by December 31, 1985).
3) Why do high school graduates also participate, and why should I who have a degree in art history participate?
Because the AFAV position stipulates that candidates with a high school diploma can also participate: however, at the pre-selection and selection tests, knowledge of cultural heritage and cultural heritage law will also be tested, so if you have a degree in art history you certainly have an advantage. You should participate because this can be the first step in going to work at the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, if you would like to work in this field, and because the AFAV position is crucial: without AFAVs, museums would close. Also, it is always helpful and pleasant for the public to find a trained AFAV. Don’t forget that, even as an AFAV, no one will stop you from participating in competitions to become an official.
4) When will the competitions for officers come out?
It is not yet known. However, keep following Finestre Sull’Arte: you will find all the news about competitions in our magazine very quickly. Maybe sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss updates.
5) How do you participate?
You have to go to the Formez PA website, where you will find all the instructions: the application must be submitted electronically through the Step-One 2019 system by 11:59:59 p.m. on the 45th day from the date of publication of the notice in the Official Gazette (so by September 23: don’t find yourself doing it at the last minute!). You will also have to pay the 10 euro participation fee to participate in the competition.
6) Why do you have to pay 10 euros to participate?
Because setting up such a large and demanding public competition is very expensive, between staff expenses, stationery, running the competition venue, transportation and whatnot.
7) How much will my salary be?
According to current tables, the salary for staff in Area II position F2 (i.e., the area in which you will be placed if you win the competition) is 1594.35 euros gross.
8) What changes with the government crisis?
The government crisis should not affect this competition.
9) Are there any manuals to prepare on?
There are publishing houses specializing in public competition manuals that are already publishing manuals with tips and simulations for the tests. If you are interested, try googling and you will surely find a lot of material. For this competition the pre-selection test database will not be published, but always on the web you can find some simulators. Also, if you want to get an idea of what the questions are like, you can always look at the databases of previous MiBAC competitions: for example, those of the 2016 civil servant competition are still online.
10) Why only two places in Sicily?
Because in Sicily almost all the cultural heritage is managed by the Region, Sicily being a region with a special statute. For the same reason, there are no positions advertised in Trentino-Alto Adige. So if you are interested in working in a museum in one of these regions, we suggest you check the regional notices.
11) Where can I discuss the competition?
There are several forums (one, for example, is mininterno.net, an unofficial portal dedicated to public competitions with a very busy forum: the competition for the 1,052 AFAVs of MiBAC already has more than eight thousand posts, so you’re sure to find good company), otherwise there are discussion groups on Facebook (search for “MiBAC vigilante competition” or similar keys and you’ll find equally busy groups). Also you can always discuss on our Facebook page, which has been a virtual meeting point for many young people trying their hand at art history jobs for years.
Good luck with the competition!
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All about the MiBAC vigilante competition: where to find the notice, how much is the pay, where to prepare |
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