A course for scientific popularization of cultural heritage in Genoa. How to enroll

In Genoa, Ianua, the Graduate School of the University of Genoa, has activated a training course for the scientific popularization of cultural heritage. Here's how to register and participate. There will also be an in-depth call open to all interested parties before the registration deadline.

A training course for the scientific popularization of cultural heritage. It has been activated by IANUA, the Graduate School of theUniversity of Genoa, together with the City of Genoa, with the support of the Friends of Genoa Foundation, The Edoardo Garrone Foundation, The Passadore 1888 Foundation, Chamber of Commerce, Dialoghi d’Arte srl. This is a training project aimed at young professionals on the national territory, and beyond, who want to achieve high specialization in the field of scientific popularization of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible. The educational course aims to activate a multidisciplinary nexus between the elements of Heritage enhancement and the skills of telling about it, strengthening the process of individual reworking of scientific content and communication languages.

An innovative course aimed at hybridizing academic skills with design and management subjects in a pressing human and professional experience. The course will be concentrated in about 60 days this fall, so that the 250 hours planned will be concentrated within an immersive training experience, fostering the development of a learning community, that is, a group of people with the common goal of acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of scientific dissemination of cultural heritage. The central idea behind this choice is the belief that learning occurs not only through traditional instruction, but also through the sharing of experiences, comparison and collaboration among group members.

Thus, teaching will be intended with a high level of active participation and innovation, methodological as well as of the proposed subjects, which will be developed by a faculty of the highest profile in terms of expertise and scientific experimentation, drawn from academia and the world of socio-cultural entrepreneurship. The lectures will be held at monumental spaces, allowing the class to develop a permanent application of the notions studied.

Accessibility of languages, as well as content, and digital transition will be the two horizontal themes of the training project; in fact, it is a path that aims to make technology and communication accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities or background. Through interactive workshops, seminars, and hands-on labs, participants will have the opportunity to acquire key skills in the field of social and digital inclusion, experimenting with techniques and approaches that restore the access power of cultural heritage to the public.

Registration to apply is open until Monday, July 8, 12 p.m . (unless extended) at https://ianua.unige.it/bando-divulgazione-scientifica. The Course has a cost of 3,000 euros for each participant, which is fully reimbursable through two opportunities, namely the vouchers of the Specializzarsi per competere notice of Regione Liguria (more information here: https://www.filse.it/it/bandi-attivi/publiccompetition/290:pr-fse-2021-2027-avviso-per-l%E2%80%99erogazione-di-voucher-a-rimborso-dei-costi-di-iscrizione-a-corsi-di-perfezionamento-e-master-di-i-e-ii-livello-post-lauream-%E2%80%9Cspecializzarsi-per-competere-2024%E2%80%9D.html) and the scholarships funded by the project partners, which fully cover the cost of the course, as well as any travel expenses for those not resident in the municipality of Genoa.

The class will be of a maximum number of 30 people. The selection is aimed at those under 35, a requirement that may be considered flexible subject to applications received and deemed suitable for selection. A bachelor’s degree is required, without a limitation inherent in the type of course of study. Class selection will take place through an initial curricular examination, followed by a possible call conference interview. The tests will be evaluated by a committee that will ensure the principle of merit pointed out in the Notice.

To provide clarification on the Course and how to enroll, a video call has been scheduled with Director Giacomo Montanari on Thursday, July 4 at 6 p.m. It will be possible to access using the following Link: https: //meet.google.com/izi-bzyb-yhd

“Teaching science popularization,” explains Giacomo Montanari, “does not mean ’simplifying,’ but rather making people capable of ’distilling’ the information that emerges from the pathways, scrupulous, of research: finding, analyzing, and managing sources; constructing, codifying, and adapting expository pathways; declining and communicating the results of these pathways towards the most varied audiences, from the childish to the experts in the field. To date, the course provided by IANUA - University of Genoa School of Advanced Studies - is the only training designed specifically for this field. It is an excellence that we hope will become a meeting and comparison place for young professionals from all over Italy. To have succeeded in building a specific educational offering for the Scientific Dissemination of Cultural Heritage means having pushed ourselves to the forefront with respect to a need that today the country, but one could say the entire European area, feels strongly: a more accelerated mediation between cultural heritage and citizens, through the living voice not of professional communicators, but of professionals capable of communicating. Today Genoa offers this possibility, and I am happy to say that it offers it in the most complete accessibility: the course will be intense, usable with a fully reimbursable fee through application at the regional ESF funds or - for residents outside the region - thanks to the scholarships provided by the supporters of the project (Friends of Genoa Foundation, Garrone Foundation, Passadore Foundation, Genoa Chamber of Commerce). The training will bring the young people involved into contact with specialists in art history, digital technologies, filmmakers, videomakers, communicators and a host of other professionals active in the field of heritage cultural mediation, but not only: the courses will be held inside the monumental spaces of the city and the Region, many of them under UNESCO protection, building in the immediate hands-on workshop and educational activities, moving from theory to practice during the course of the activities themselves.”

Image: Genoa, Palazzo Balbi Senarega. Photo: Laura Guida

A course for scientific popularization of cultural heritage in Genoa. How to enroll
A course for scientific popularization of cultural heritage in Genoa. How to enroll

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