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Florence Archaeological Museum gets a makeover: work begins without ever closing to the public

Florence Archaeological Museum gets a makeover: work begins without ever closing to the public

The National Archaeological Museum in Florence is getting a makeover. With the granting ofspecial autonomy and the appointment of its first executive director, Daniele F. Maras, the museum has inaugurated its new phase of life: after intense and long...
Racconigi Castle, inaugurated a new exhibit with more than one hundred non-European objects

Racconigi Castle, inaugurated a new exhibit with more than one hundred non-European objects

Inaugurated at Racconigi Castle the new permanent exhibition Stories from the World in the Castle. Wonders from four continents in Racconigi, set up in the east wing. On display in the new section are more than one hundred objects selected from the c...
Museums, record number of visitors in 2023: here are the best ones. Italian Museums app also presented

Museums, record number of visitors in 2023: here are the best ones. Italian Museums app also presented

"Italian Museums," theofficial app of the National Museum System, was presented this morning at the Ministry of Culture. This app, in connection with the platform, allows users to inform themselves, explore and purchase tickets for s...
Prato, Palazzo Pretorio Museum unveils a display case on the Risorgimento

Prato, Palazzo Pretorio Museum unveils a display case on the Risorgimento

The Museum of Palazzo Pretorio in Prato has unveiled a new display case housing precious relics from theformer Museum of the Risorgimento, originally set up in the building in the early 1900s. This display represents the conclusion of an extensive ex...
Vittoriale, large collection of D'Annunzio documents acquired: it is the most important in its history

Vittoriale, large collection of D'Annunzio documents acquired: it is the most important in its history

Important acquisition for the Vittoriale degli Italiani: Gabriele D'Annunzio 's home in Gardone Riviera in fact comes into possession of the Paglieri Collection. It consists of thousands of documents, manuscripts, drafts of works, correspondence, aut...
Mantua, agreement between Monte dei Paschi and Palazzo Ducale to enhance valuable coin collection

Mantua, agreement between Monte dei Paschi and Palazzo Ducale to enhance valuable coin collection

Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and the Ducal Palace of Mantua have reached an important agreement to enhance the valuable Magnaguti-Casero numismatic collection owned by the bank. This collection, which previously belonged to the former Banca Agrico...
A children's museum is born in Pompeii: it's the Pompeii Children's Museum

A children's museum is born in Pompeii: it's the Pompeii Children's Museum

Pompeii Children's Museum, the first space dedicated to children and families within an archaeological area, is born in Pompeii: it will be inaugurated in 2025, with activities organized, however, as early as July 2024. Located in the Casina Rosellin...
Ecolano, ancient Herculaneum beach reopens to the public, the first within an archaeological park

Ecolano, ancient Herculaneum beach reopens to the public, the first within an archaeological park

Starting today, June 19, the ancient beach of Herculaneum, the first within an archaeological park, reopens. Visitors can then walk freely on the beach and experience the atmosphere of the ancient city overlooking the sea. The opening ceremony, which...
Peggy Guggenheim Collection and Lavazza Group together to support all museum accessibility activities

Peggy Guggenheim Collection and Lavazza Group together to support all museum accessibility activities

The Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice announces a new collaboration with the Lavazza Group, which takes on the role of Inclusivity Supporter, supporting all the accessibility activities that the Venetian museum addresses to its audiences. This co...
Venice, the Giorgio Cini Foundation becomes more accessible and inclusive with physical and digital interventions

Venice, the Giorgio Cini Foundation becomes more accessible and inclusive with physical and digital interventions

In Venice, the Giorgio Cini Foundation has taken a significant step forward in extendingaccessibility to its activities and spaces. A project submitted in 2022 under a PNRR call for proposals dedicated to "removing physical and cognitive barriers in ...
Turin's Museum of Cinema opens a permanent space dedicated to video games

Turin's Museum of Cinema opens a permanent space dedicated to video games

The National Cinema Museum in Turin will open Video Game Zone, a permanent space dedicated to video games in a chapelle of theTemple Hall, on July 2. It will be one of the first permanent areas in Italy and the world entirely dedicated to video games...
Siena, Palazzo delle Papesse to reopen after years of closure

Siena, Palazzo delle Papesse to reopen after years of closure

Palazzo delle Papesse, formerly a popular exhibition venue for contemporary art, is to reopen in Siena : the palace will be revived through Opera Laboratori, a company specializing in museum management, which this morning signed with the Bank of Ital...
Florence, Pitti Palace Gallery of Modern Art turns 100 and celebrates with virtual exhibition

Florence, Pitti Palace Gallery of Modern Art turns 100 and celebrates with virtual exhibition

On June 11, 1924, the Gallery of Modern Art at the Pitti Palace in Florence opened, and to celebrate its centennial, the Uffizi Galleries is publishing a virtual exhibition on its official website that tells the story of Gam through a selection of mo...
Villae opens literary park Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignatius of Loyola

Villae opens literary park Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignatius of Loyola

The Villa Adriana and Villa d'Este Institute - VILLAE presents the Marguerite Yourcenar, Lodovico Ariosto, Ignazio di Loyola Literary Park - Villa Adriana and Villa d'Este Institute, promoted by the VILLAE in collaboration with Paesaggio Culturale It...
Rome, Palazzo Barberini now has a restaurant: it's called Serre Barberini

Rome, Palazzo Barberini now has a restaurant: it's called Serre Barberini

In Rome, Palazzo Barberini, one of the two sites of the National Galleries of Ancient Art, is getting a café restaurant. It is called Serre Barberini and is now open in the 19th-century greenhouse in the gardens of Palazzo Barberini. The greenhouse,...
Florence, the Bargello Museum reopens the Hall of Majolica and the Islamic Hall

Florence, the Bargello Museum reopens the Hall of Majolica and the Islamic Hall

The Bargello National Museum, known for its outstanding collection of Renaissance sculpture and decorative arts, today celebrates the reopening of two important rooms: the Majolica Room and the Islamic Room. After a closure period that began in Septe...

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