Excavations conducted by theInstitut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap) at Onnaing, in France's Escaut Valley, have uncovered a remarkably large rural site inhabited between the end of theBronze Age and the beginn...
In the municipality of Giugliano in Campania, an archaeological excavation is currently underway in the area of ancient Liternum, not far from the Roman colony's Forum and Amphitheater, conducted under the scientific supervision of Simona Formola, th...
A late Roman settlement that had been hidden for centuries under farmland near the village of Borimechkovo in Bulgaria's Pazardzhik region has come to light thanks to recent rescue excavations. The discovery came during the construction of a transit ...
Two of the most beautiful residences ofancient Herculaneum reopen after more than twenty-five years: the House of the Tuscan Colonnade and the House of the Wooden Sacellum. They are both symbolically representative of the origin of ancient Herculaneu...
An extraordinary find enriches the archaeological holdings of Trento's Castello del Buonconsiglio. In the course of studying and cataloguing the Egyptian materials preserved in the museum, archaeologist Annamaria Azzolini and Egyptologist Barbara Gil...
A new chapter in archaeological heritage preservation is opening at Karahantepe, a site in southeastern Turkey. Among the hills of Şanlıurfa, there are traces of a civilization dating back to the ninth millennium B.C., and to ensure the protection ...
The scientific article Pompeian pigments has been published in the international Journal of Archaeological Science. A glimpse into ancient Roman coloring materials. The study is the result of a fruitful collaboration between the Archaeological Park o...
On Saturday, March 15, 2025, the Regional Directorate National Museums of Liguria opens the doors of the new museum at the Roman Villa of Varignano, in the Le Grazie locality of Porto Venere. The new museum venue is located within thearchaeological a...
A new find could write the history ofprehistoric art in Marbella in Spain's Malaga province all over again. During an excavation campaign at the Coto Correa archaeological site in Las Chapas, archaeologists discovered an engraved stone block whose pr...
In the seabed near the archaeological site of Asini inArgolis, Greece, an international team conducted underwater research Oct. 7-11, 2024, uncovering new details about a submerged port structure. The excavations are part of a five-year project launc...
Extraordinary discovery in the Ostia Antica Archaeological Park: a Jewish ritual bath(mikveh) was brought to light during excavations carried out between June and August 2024. The excavation campaign, carried out as part of the OPS - Ostia Post Scrip...
Archaeological excavations conducted in 2020 at the William Grant & Sons Girvan Distillery at Curragh in South Ayrshire, Scotland, uncovered a fortified settlement dating back to the Iron Age. The work, carried out by archaeologists from GUARD Ar...
In Turkey, during excavations in the ancient city of Aspendos, a few kilometers from Antalya, a large marble statue depicting Hermes, messenger of Zeus and a Greek deity associated with commerce, was found as part of the Heritage To The Future projec...
Major archaeological discovery in Egypt where the Franco-Egyptian archaeological mission of the Centre Franco-Égyptien d'Étude des Temples de Karnak (CFEETK, French-Egyptian Center for the Study of the Temples of Karnak), in collaborati...
More than a century after the discovery of the Villa of the Mysteries, during recent excavations conducted in the central area of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, in insula 10 of Regio IX, a large banquet hall decorated with a monumental frieze with ...
Starting today, Milan citizens and tourists moving between the M2 and M4 subway stations in Sant'Ambrogio will be able to take advantage of a new tunnel that allows them to switch from one line to the other without having to go outside. This is an im...