Ancient art

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Getty Museum acquires Quentin Metsys' Madonna of the Cherries

Getty Museum acquires Quentin Metsys' Madonna of the Cherries

The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles has acquired at auction from Christie's in London the Madonna of the Cherries by Flemish artist Quentin Metsys (Leuven, 1466 - Antwerp, 1530). Long thought to be lost, the 16th-century painting was recently red...
New work by Artemisia Gentileschi discovered? What the scholar says

New work by Artemisia Gentileschi discovered? What the scholar says

Is the newly discovered Magdalene in Ecstasy in an Italian private collection really a work by Artemisia Gentileschi ? This is the opinion of art historian Delia Somma, who has subjected the painting to several studies, published in the book L'estasi...
Florence, Michelangelo's Secret Room will be allowed to continue visiting. With restricted access

Florence, Michelangelo's Secret Room will be allowed to continue visiting. With restricted access

Green light for the continued opening to the public of Michelangelo's Secret Room, the small room under the New Sacristy of the Medici Chapel Museum in Florence containing drawings attributed to Buonarroti. The Stanza has been open for the first time...
Two rediscovered paintings by Sebastiano Ricci are on public display for the first time at Palazzo Braschi in Rome

Two rediscovered paintings by Sebastiano Ricci are on public display for the first time at Palazzo Braschi in Rome

In the rooms of the third floor of the Museum of Rome at Palazzo Braschi, on the occasion of the exhibition The Enchantment of Beauty. Rediscovered Paintings by Sebastiano Ricci from the Enel Collection, two paintings by Venetian painter Sebastiano R...
Florence, after 58 years Jacopo di Cione's masterpiece returns to its church

Florence, after 58 years Jacopo di Cione's masterpiece returns to its church

After a meticulous four-year restoration, the altarpiece depicting the Madonna of the Snow, painted by Jacopo di Cione (Florence, 1325 - 1399), has been relocated to the Church of Saints Apostles and Blaise in Florence. This restoration was made poss...
Bergamo, finishes the restoration of a monumental masterpiece by Sebastiano Ricci

Bergamo, finishes the restoration of a monumental masterpiece by Sebastiano Ricci

In Bergamo , the restoration of a monumental painting by Sebastiano Ricci (Belluno, 1659 - Venice, 1734), St. Peter in Prison Freed by the Angel, is finished as part of the "Grandi Restauri" project of the Credito Bergamasco Foundation (Creberg). Thi...
New light for Treviglio polyptych, masterpiece of Lombard 15th century

New light for Treviglio polyptych, masterpiece of Lombard 15th century

New light for the Polyptych of St. Martin, a masterpiece of 15th-century Lombardy created between 1485 and 1505 by Bernardo Zenale and Bernardino Butinone. The work has in fact received new lighting thanks to a project by Studio Switch and solutions ...
Mantua, coup of Ducal Palace that buys important 1528 tapestry for little money

Mantua, coup of Ducal Palace that buys important 1528 tapestry for little money

Strike by the Ducal Palace in Mantua , which bought at auction, at an extremely low cost (£12,000) an important Gonzaga tapestry from 1528, specifically a "spalliera," or horizontal format tapestry, in this case nearly six meters wide. The auction w...
Louvre restores Giuseppe Arcimboldo's Four Seasons

Louvre restores Giuseppe Arcimboldo's Four Seasons

Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Spring (1573; oil on canvas; Paris, Louvre). © 2024 GrandPalaisRmn (Museé du Louvre). Photo: Adrien Didierjean Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Summer (1573; oil on canvas; Paris, Louvre). © 2024 GrandPalaisRmn (Muse&...
Florence, a documentary for the restoration of Raffaellino del Garbo's Resurrection

Florence, a documentary for the restoration of Raffaellino del Garbo's Resurrection

The Galleria dell 'Accademia in Florence presents a video-documentary, produced to tell the story of the restoration of the panel painting depicting The Resurrection by Raffaellino dei Carli, known as del Garbo (S. Lorenzo a Vigliano, 1466 - Florence...
Genoa, unpublished work by Gioacchino Assereto discovered. On display at Goldfinch's

Genoa, unpublished work by Gioacchino Assereto discovered. On display at Goldfinch's

In Genoa, Goldfinch Fine Arts Gallery opens a new exhibition scheduled from May 31 to June 29 at the gallery's headquarters, located in Palazzo Lazzaro and Giacomo Spinola, Via Garibaldi 8. The exhibition, titled Nuovi Argomenti: Gioacchino Assereto,...
Florence, Brancacci Chapel restoration finished

Florence, Brancacci Chapel restoration finished

Restoration work on the frescoes of the Brancacci Chapel, a Renaissance masterpiece with frescoes by Masaccio, Masolino and Filippino Lippi inside Florence's Church of the Carmine, has been completed in Florence . The work was made possible thanks to...
Brescia, young entrepreneurs fund restoration of Moretto masterpiece

Brescia, young entrepreneurs fund restoration of Moretto masterpiece

The restoration of theCoronation of the Virgin with Saints Michael the Archangel, Joseph, Francis and Nicholas, a masterpiece by Moretto (Alessandro Bonvicino; Brescia, 1498 - 1554), has been completed in Brescia . The restoration of the work, which ...
Brescia, finishes restoration of Andrea Marone's Madonna of the Milk

Brescia, finishes restoration of Andrea Marone's Madonna of the Milk

Important restoration in Brescia, where work has been completed on the Madonna Enthroned Suckling the Child by Andrea Marone da Manerbio, a member of a family of artists with deep roots in Renaissance Brescia. The restoration of the fresco, executed ...
A rare family portrait of Lavinia Fontana acquired by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

A rare family portrait of Lavinia Fontana acquired by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Remarkable acquisition by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco , which on May 1 announced the acquisition of a significant work by Lavinia Fontana (Bologna, 1522 - Rome, 1614), the Ritratto di Bianca degli Utili Maselli e dei suoi figli, a rare and...
Pisa, University discovers valuable medieval Lunar codex believed lost

Pisa, University discovers valuable medieval Lunar codex believed lost

A precious medieval codex from ancient Luni, long thought lost, has returned to light thanks to the efforts of theUniversity of Pisa. Known now as the Beinecke manuscript ms. 1153, this ancient document holds several lives of saints, including a hith...

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