Zoran Music's touching drawings soon to be on display at Revoltella Museum

Twenty-four drawings that Zoran Music made while he was deported to Dachau will soon be on display at the Revoltella Museum in Trieste.

The Revoltella Museum in Trieste will welcome from Jan. 27 to April 2 24 drawings made by Zoran Music in 1945, when he was imprisoned in Dachau.

"Zoran Music. Glazed Eyes" is the title chosen for the exhibition, and indeed the drawings visitors will be confronted with are silent screams, works of art that give form tohorror and firsthand accounts of those deported to Dachau.
Pencil or ink drawings on notebook sheets, recycled papers and books.

These displayed in the exhibition were part of a larger body of testimony that the artist gave to fellow survivors. Most went missing, except for the 24 drawings that can be seen at the Revoltella Museum.

“Music’s 24 drawings, a true treasure of art and history, will remain in storage in our Collections after the exhibition,” said Laura Carlini Fanfogna, curator of the exhibition as well as director of the Civic Museums and Libraries Service of the City of Trieste. She added, “They will be accompanied by the historic video interview that the artist gave twenty years ago on the occasion of his exhibition at the Risiera di San Sabba, evoking that deportation to Dachau.”

The touching exhibition is sponsored by the City of Trieste-Department of Culture.

For more information: http://www.museorevoltella.it/

Hours: Monday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Closed Tuesdays.

Tickets: Full 7 euros, reduced 5 euros.

Image: Zoran Music, Dachau (1945).

Zoran Music's touching drawings soon to be on display at Revoltella Museum
Zoran Music's touching drawings soon to be on display at Revoltella Museum

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