When a garden becomes a place of the soul. Unpublished paintings by Carlo Levi on display in Rome.

The Carlo Levi Foundation in Rome presents from March 19 to May 30, 2025 an exhibition of fourteen canvases, many of them previously unpublished, depicting his private Eden, to which he devoted numerous paintings in every season of his life.

From March 19 to May 30, 2025, the Carlo Levi Foundation in Rome presents the exhibition The Lost Garden of Carlo Levi, curated by Daniela Fonti and Antonella Lavorgna.

Fourteen canvases, many of them previously unpublished, will be on display for the occasion, in an exhibition that runs from the 1920s to the 1970s. In these works Carlo Levi transposes his vision of the world: from theenchanted and luminousEden to the textural, almost informal, sultry and twisted tangle of his carob trees. Also on display are some black-and-white photographs from the Foundation’s photographic fund.

Carlo Levi, Landscape of Alassio (1942)
Carlo Levi, Landscape of Alassio (1942)

In a letter to his mother in September 1935, Carlo Levi himself writes: “I understand now the extraordinary freedom and richness of the color of Alassio, where the most intense blue makes the olive trees seem pink, and the whites and violets of the stones and the yellows and reds of the rocks are detected by the bluish green of the carob trees, and the palms rise among the flowers like cheerful plumes,” recalling in theisolation of confinement in Lucania, the chromatic richness and variety of the Alassio landscape surrounding the family home. That garden, and that house, were his private Eden, the refuge that welcomed him for the long summer months, and to which he dedicated numerous paintings in every season of his life, reinterpreting from time to time a physical place, but above all of the soul.

For info: www.carlolevifondazione.it

Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Carlo Levi, Carobs (1972)
Carlo Levi, Carrubi (1972)

When a garden becomes a place of the soul. Unpublished paintings by Carlo Levi on display in Rome.
When a garden becomes a place of the soul. Unpublished paintings by Carlo Levi on display in Rome.

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