Venice, The Living Sea exhibition on the underwater world of three countries at the Museum of Natural History

From June 9 to Sept. 11, the Museum of Natural History in Venice is hosting the exhibition 'The Living Sea,' which offers the glimpse of two friends, Hussain Aga Khan and Simone Piccoli, into the underwater world of three different countries, namely Tonga, Mexico and Egypt.

From June 9 to Sept. 11, at the Museum of Natural History in Venice, the exhibition The Living Sea presents the glimpse of two friends, Hussain Aga Khan and Simone Piccoli into the extraordinary diversity of the underwater world of three countries: Tonga, Mexico and Egypt. Both born in 1974, Hussain Aga Khan, a photographer, author of books and exhibitions, and Simone Piccoli, a director of underwater documentaries, met in November 2014 during a dolphin expedition led by Simone to Sataya, in the Red Sea where giant groups of long-billed stenellas swim and where, nearby, the strange and peaceful dugong can be seen grazing.

In later years, Hussain and Simone set their sights on Vava’u, one of the two main islands of Tonga in whose deep waters, every summer, whales go to give birth, and on the Revillagigedo Islands, off the coast of Mexico, where megafauna such as oceanic manta rays, hammerhead sharks and giant whale sharks proliferate: the largest fish in the sea that also feed only on plankton.

To guide us through these three fascinating and diverse places, Hussain Aga Khan’s large-format prints, accompanied by the author’s commentaries, dialogue with Simone Piccoli’s award-winning films shot during their expeditions together.

For this exhibition, Marevivo Onlus and Marevivo Veneto Ets have partnered with Focused on Nature, the Swiss association created by Hussain Aga Khan to promote awareness of environmental causes through photography and to fund some of the world’s top charities for particular species and ecosystems of interest.

For all information, you can visit the official website of the Fondazione Musei Civici Venezia.

Venice, The Living Sea exhibition on the underwater world of three countries at the Museum of Natural History
Venice, The Living Sea exhibition on the underwater world of three countries at the Museum of Natural History

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