Venice, Homo Faber 2024 party. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, the theme is The Journey of Life.

The third edition of Homo Faber, which from September 1 to 30, 2024 will return to transform the Island of San Giorgio Maggiore into a stage of art craftsmanship, is starting. Homo Faber 2024 counts on the artistic direction of Luca Guadagnino, and the theme is 'The Journey of Life.

The third edition of Homo Faber, which will return to transform theIsland of San Giorgio Maggiore into a stage for art craftsmanship from Sept. 1 to 30, 2024,is starting. Curated by Michelangelo Foundation, in partnership with Fondazione Cologni and Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Homo Faber 2024 counts on the artistic direction of Luca Guadagnino. The celebrated director, together with architect Nicolò Rosmarini, will explore and develop, with their vision and creativity, the theme of The Journey of Life born from an idea of Hanneli Rupert, vice president of the Michelangelo Foundation.

“It will be a journey along the entire path of human life,” says Alberto Cavalli, director of the Michelangelo Foundation, "The birth and discovery of love, dreams and afterlife: we will find them enclosed in a world of objects forged from the best craft experiences.

Visitors will be involved in an evocative portrayal of life along a path that winds through the monumental complex of the Giorgio Cini Foundation. Explains Alberto Cavalli, “Spectacular installations, original works and live demonstrations will mark the ten stages that mark the scene of Homo Faber 2024, through a very rich selection of unique objects made by more than three hundred master craftsmen from fifty different countries around the world, in a surprising variety of skills, techniques and innovative approaches.”

It will all begin at Borges’s Labyrinth, “the symbol of destiny,” from which it will be accessed: the Cypress Cloister will be the birthplace, where a large Venice-inspired goose game will enchant visitors with twenty embroiderers from around the world. The Cenacolo Palladiano, in honor of its history as an ancient refectory, will be a hymn to the celebration of conviviality and life. The Hall of Photographs will pulsate the world of cinema and the transmission of knowledge. The garden will have the stamp of affection: the White Room will be dedicated to courtship and the Tapestry Room to the colors of love. The Truss Pavilion will have the flavors of a tea-room, an echo of the momentum of travel. The former print shop, now under restoration, will come to life for the first time by filling with the crafts of nature. The Gandini Pool will be the place of dreams and will bring us closer to the end: in the former Nautical Hall a last dialogue, where artisans, artists and designers will meet, until the last breath of existence and then toward afterlife.

“Homo Faber confirms itself as a unique and exceptional event,” stresses Renata Codello, Secretary General of the Giorgio Cini Foundation, “Since its first edition, it has managed to enter the collective imagination. The ’journey of life’ is a complex, delicate theme with a density of meanings that will touch and deeply move visitors. Everyone will be able to make their own journey.”

An intense program of initiatives will accompany the event. People will be able to participate in workshops and taste new horizons of flavors; they will attend the awarding of the Master of Arts and Crafts, promoted by the Cologni Foundation, under the High Patronage of the Presidency of the Republic. Homo Faber also projects itself beyond the island, thanks to the Homo Faber in Città program, to offer a new way of visiting Venice. In collaboration with Confartigianato and CNA Venezia, Consorzio Promovetro Murano and Venezia da Vivere, in fact, it will be possible to visit as many as seventy artisan workshops, selected through a special call, with extraordinary stories of inventiveness, talent and life choices, little known to Venetians themselves.

Finally, Homo Faber counts on the patronage of UNESCO, the Ministry of Culture, the Swiss Consulate in Milan, the Veneto Region, and the City of Venice.

For all information, you can visit the official website of Homo Faber.

Venice, Homo Faber 2024 party. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, the theme is The Journey of Life.
Venice, Homo Faber 2024 party. Directed by Luca Guadagnino, the theme is The Journey of Life.

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