Turin, an exhibition on Art Nouveau and the city's role in establishing the style at Palazzo Madama

Palazzo Madama in Turin presents from October 26, 2023 to June 19, 2024 the exhibition "Liberty. Turin Capital." Approximately 100 works tell the story of Turin's fundamental role in the establishment of Art Nouveau.

From October 26, 2023 to June 10, 2024, Palazzo Madama - Museo Civico d’Arte Antica in Turin presents the exhibition Liberty. Turin Capital, curated by Palazzo Madama and SIAT - Society of Engineers and Architects in Turin with the collaboration of MondoMostre.

About one hundred works will be exhibited with the intention of recounting the fundamental role of Turin in theestablishment of Art Nouveau and addressing every aspect of the artistic manifestations of Art Nouveau in an original and unprecedented way, in order to make the public understand the mechanisms of the architectural and aesthetic creation of this style. A style that finds in Turin its capital and its sounding board in the Valentino Park, the protagonist of the new values of the nation and progress, an ideal setting to show the Italian production in the industrial, agricultural and artistic fields.

The exhibition at Palazzo Madama aims to account for this very fruitful European season with large sections structured around a key word: metamorphosis. The transition between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries can be considered as a great process of aesthetic, social, and geopolitical metamorphosis.

The layout, exhibition and catalog, published by Silvana Editoriale, are curated by Beatrice Coda Negozio, Roberto Fraternali, Carlo Ostorero, Rosalba Stura and Maria Carla Visconti who, also as SIAT - Society of Engineers and Architects in Turin, have for decades undertaken a path of protection and in-depth study of the themes of Art Nouveau culture in Turin, making themselves protagonists of scientific, editorial and popular initiatives.

The exhibition will be accompanied by the rich program off Libertyamo, aimed at the maximum involvement of the city and its citizens in rediscovering their roots and the exceptional architectural context of their everyday life.

Image: Leonardo Bistolfi, First International Exhibition of Modern Decorative Art (1902; lithograph, 113.5 x 154 cm; Turin, Soleri Collection).

Turin, an exhibition on Art Nouveau and the city's role in establishing the style at Palazzo Madama
Turin, an exhibition on Art Nouveau and the city's role in establishing the style at Palazzo Madama

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