The play of mirrors in the works of Ruth and Giancarlo Moro on display in Ascona

From September 15, 2024, to January 5, 2025, the Ascona Municipal Museum of Modern Art will exhibit the works of artists Ruth and Giancarlo Moro born from more than fifty years of living together.

From Sept. 15, 2024 to Jan. 5, 2025, the Ascona Municipal Museum of Modern Art pays tribute to the couple Ruth (Schwyz, 1944) and Giancarlo Moro (Geneva, 1944) with the exhibition RUTH AND GIANCARLO MORO. Mirror Game curated by Mara Folini. The exhibition presents a series of works born out of more than 50 years of life together. Despite the use of different styles, the works of one are mirrored in those of the other thanks to a strong affinity in the choice of colors, a rigorous compositional analysis and an interest in the Eastern formal universe characterized by cosmology and holistic vision. Ruth and Giancarlo Moro were trained in the avant-garde movement of the 1960s following the typically Nordic line that, from the abstract experiences of Vasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, through the Bauhaus to the minimalism of the 1970s anticipated as early as 1915 by Kazimir Malevic’s Quadrangle.

Ruth Moro, H2801 WATER GREEN (2023; hydrangea quercifolia bracts on handmade paper on MDF, 50 x 50 cm) © Ruth Moro
Ruth Moro, H2801 WATER GREEN (2023; Hydrangea quercifolia bracts on handmade paper on MDF, 50 x 50 cm) © Ruth Moro
Ruth Moro, H2812 VARIATIONS ON BLACK BOTTOM I (2023; hydrangea quercifolia bracts on black canvas, 104 x 104 cm) © Ruth Moro
Ruth Moro, H2812 VARIATIONS ON BLACK BOTTOM I (2023; Hydrangea quercifolia bracts on black canvas, 104 x 104 cm) © Ruth Moro
Giancarlo Moro, 4403 untitled (2024; Oil on canvas 98 x 98 cm) © Giancarlo Moro
Giancarlo Moro, 4403 untitled (2024; Oil on canvas 98 x 98 cm) © Giancarlo Moro
Giancarlo Moro, 3606 untitled (2016; Oil on MDF 100 x 110 cm) © Giancarlo Moro
Giancarlo Moro, 3606 untitled (2016; Oil on MDF 100 x 110 cm) © Giancarlo Moro

Ruth draws inspiration from the wonderful natural elements she collects and selects with botanical care. Following a complex process of preparation refined over the years, the artist in fact pays attention to the evolutionary characteristics of the elements. He goes so far as to distill pure and structurally essential forms that he immerses in color to compose them into lattices. At other times, however, he leaves them free from the support, or incorporates them into handmade paper supports. In the series Variations on Black, Variations in Blue, or Among the Greens there are geometric patterns that enter into a dialectical dynamic when the individual canvases or panels are juxtaposed to form diptychs and triptychs, as happens in the cycle of Points and Counterpoints.

In Signs of Hydrangea Ruth uses the technique of frottage by bringing out the imprints of plant structures that remain visible and declined in different color variations within a range of grays. Giancarlo Moro, on the other hand, explores the colors of the sky and the warm colors of the sun, devoting himself entirely to abstract painting. He prefers light blue but also works with black, white and purple expanding them in all their shades. With a scientific approach and a focus on the mechanisms of Moro perception he experiments with the potentialities and interferences of color. In his more recent series, on the other hand, he demonstrates his ability to subdivide pictorial space both geometrically and chromatically using vertical and horizontal lines and often resorting to the geometric form of the square.

Practical information

Hours: Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.; 2 p.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; closed Monday

Tickets: Full, 10.00 | Reduced, 7.00

The play of mirrors in the works of Ruth and Giancarlo Moro on display in Ascona
The play of mirrors in the works of Ruth and Giancarlo Moro on display in Ascona

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